In The Beginning (Final Part)

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At those words, Shikauhno makes a run towards the trashcans-in order to use the kendo stick to defend herself. The "man" uses this as an opportunity to slay her. He leaps at her with a wicked grin and hungry eyes.

The screen goes completely black. There is a brief moment of pure silence then the sound of blood splattering feels the air.
SFX: Blood splatter

The camera views a person running and jumping from building to building. They are wearing black boots with blue chains hanging off of them. The chains rattle with each stride they take. He is also carrying what appears to be a sword although only the tip of it can be seen.

Shikauhno whimpers, "Oh god...what are you?"

The camera returns back to the same person running.

The "man" grimaces, "How ironic, those were his last words...BEFORE I TORE HIS HEART OUT!" His voice is a multitude of tongues speaking in unison and his eyes glow red.

At those words, Shikauhno makes a run towards the trashcans-in order to use the kendo stick to defend herself. The "man" uses this as an opportunity to slay her. He leaps at her with a wicked grin and hungry eyes.

As the "man" leaps towards Shikauhno preparing to kill her the camera shows the view of a pair of legs running swiftly toward Shikauhno and the "man." This person is carrying a peculiar looking winged sword. This person jumps down and the camera shows a large amount of blood spill to the ground.

The screen acts as Shikauhno's eyes; she opens them half way."Am I...alive?" She fully opens her eyes to see a pair of legs. The camera slowly moves up to reveal the person from feet to head-the entirety of their backside.

He is the man with the uneven blue and blonde hair. Shikauhno is in shocked yet enthralled by his beauty and foreign appearance. She whimpers.

This handsome man is wearing exotic clothes: a black sleeveless v-neck with a black ribbon  wrapped around his entire left arm and hand, dark pants with straps on both of his upper thighs, black boots with blue chains on them, three belts that go across his body (two from his left shoulder across his chest, and one from shoulder to pants) and one ear piercing. He is holding a blue, white, and red guitar-like sword in his right hand; blood is on the tip of the blade.

This strange man is standing between Shikauhno and the now dead body.

This stranger keeps his back to Shikauhno but slightly turns his head so she can see the side of his face. He stands there dramatically without uttering a single word.

"What happened?" He does not answer her and she continues, "Did you...kill him?" Shikauhno manages to spill out, she looks up and her eyes fall on the lifeless body.

Ryo Yamano's body is slumped up against the left wall; his dead body is sitting on a crushed cardboard box. There is a large diagonal gash on his torso and his eyes are wide open. There is also a hole in his chest. An opaque figure comes out of the hole in his chest; it looks like a formless shadow and quickly dissipates in the air. The man finally speaks "One."

Shikauhno dry heaves.

A second shadow comes from his wounded chest and the man continues counting, "Two," a third figure appears, "three." The handsome stranger speaks softly and the last figure fades as quickly as the others did.

Shikauhno throws up. SFX: Vomit splashing against the concrete.

He quickly looks Shikauhno up and down, then he begins to leave.

Shikauhno stops him with tears in her eyes, "Wait...are we just going to leave him like this? I-I don't even know what happened myself but it's not right to just leave him...I mean, he has..had a family...they think he's missing...should we call the police?"

He notices the tears in her eyes and he powerfully yet gently states, "Let the dead bury their own."

In exhaustion, Shikauhno drops on all fours she continues to vomit and cry.

SFX: Wings fluttering. Shikauhno looks back up only to see no one. She then reverts her attention back to Ryo's dead corpse and her eyes widen in shock.

Shikauhno is looking up to the ceiling on her bed in her same wet clothes.

Time lapse:The camera views the clock on her dresser. Time passes and Shikauhno is still on her back and the camera shows the clock; it is now 3:25 am.

Shikauhno keeps recalling Ryo Yamano's dead body sitting there.'What could I have done?' She turns over to her side, 'What if his body is still laying there?'

Shikauhno looks at Ryo's dead corpse and her eyes widen in shock. Smoke is emanating from the wound on his body. The camera closes in on the wound and it is revealed that the skin is repairing itself.

'What I that's impossible...' She slowly closes her eyes.

The camera is focused on the outside of Shikauhno's studio. The man who saved her life is standing just outside of her place. Only the back side of him is in the camera's view. He has a black and blue guitar case strapped to his back and his hair blows in the wind.



TR Juice: Well, hopefully you guys have enjoyed the first "episode" of TheRemnant! We've put a lot of hard work into creating it. ^^ Let us know whether you want us to continue to post more. Thank you too all who have read, commented (especially you guys), and liked TR; we appreciate it more than words can describe. If you would like to draw some fanart of Shikauhno please let us know and we will give you a more detailed description of her appearance! We would LOVE that.


The Remnant

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