Remnant Juice (On Episode VIIII)

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This is some "juice" to help you get along as you read the final part of episode nine. There's also a refreshment in case you forgot some old terminology. 

Kyoukai (きょうかい)- Though it has a double meaning, kyoukai means boundary in Japanese.

Divine Armour- A type of unpredictable, spiritual armour that the Remnant members are given.  They appear as stylish clothing and accessories but they are actual armor that protect the members from certain attacks. The armour grows over their everyday clothing and each member's armor is different. There is no material on earth that has been found that is similar to the material that the armour is comprised of. The armor moves on its own at times and has its own will, however Remnant members are able to control o manipulate it to an extent. The strength and durability of the armor reflects the mindset, and physical level of the wearer. The divine armour is still not fully understood by Remnant members because of its' unpredictable and self aware nature. It has been known to increase the wearers endurance, agility, strength, and other things. It can also act as a bandage and or gauze to cauterize certain wounds. There is more to be discovered and learned about the divine armour.

Spade, Sidroc (シドロク) - Is an Apostle. Aiddo Sidrow is a part of Aiddo's mind that managed to wake up earlier than Sidrock.  His intentions seem to contradict each other and they aren't completely clear. 

Episode nine coming soon!

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