We Do It For Us

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Pink Diamond couldn't believe it, but it was the only way Yellow would have ever given up. Only turned to stardust would she ever give up her pride and backed down.
Was it wrong to cry? Specially when Yellow had always been so cold and mean to her? Still, the feeling of pain remained in her gem and non-existing heart. She wanted to cry so badly. But she couldn't. Specially with her entourage of rebels behind her.
"We should be careful, we are near where the White Tyrant lays" Pearl spoke dramatically, stopping at a corner, carefully peeking her head around it.
Should she stop Pearl? Maybe.
Something was off with her small pearl, she emanated some kind of aura that absolutely displeased her, and heading into war would not be the best to contain whatever went inside her gem.
This had been a bad idea, never should she ever had come with Yellow and Blue, she should have stayed in Earth with Steven and Greg. Nothing if this would happen.... She didn't want this. She just wanted her peace and freedom....
Pearl prepared to continue her way, when a pink hand stopped her.

"What's wrong, my diamond?" Pearl turned confused, staring up at the diamond who had her eyebrows knitted in some undecipherable emotion that engulfed her precious features.

Pink looked down at her, releasing a shaky breath.

"Maybe... We should back down for now" Pink spoke, every gem turning to look at her.

"But, my diamond, we are here, we must head on and finish her once and for all!" Pearl raised her voice slightly but corrected herself. Garnet and Amethyst stood quietly, awaiting for them to make a decision.

"Pearl, we should reunite with the other gems, we need an army. You think we by ourselves could simply walk in and shatter her? Pearl, you aren't thinking straight..." Pink pulled her hand away from Pearl, turning on her heel to walk away.

"...no..." Pearl whispered, standing her ground, not daring to turn around. She had her mind set, and it wouldn't change.

Garnet and Amethyst tensed.

Pink turned around, and stared at Pearl's back, her face morphing from confusion to a slight anger.

"Excuse me..?"

"I said no, we are not running away. Again. We are not going to run again and hide. We can't hide again." Pearl clenched her fists, her breath turning more shallow from the nerves.

"Pearl, you don't decide that. We need to return before we all get shattered."

"No...! I'm not turning around now. We've come so far! We are not giving up again. We can't cower in fear, we can't go hide in Earth again. We can't hide. We must finish this once and for all, we must sacrifice ourselves to finish this once and for all if it's the only way!"

"Are you even listening to what madness you are speaking, Pearl? Sacrifice? Sacrifice for what, Pearl? For revenge? You think we will put our gems on the line for that? I'm not asking to give up, I am simply asking to retire for now so we can come back with an actual plan and more warriors!"

"I-it's not for revenge! It's for a future, it's for us! We are not only thinking of our freedom anymore! We are thinking for the humans in earth! This is for Greg, the father of your child! this is for Steven! This is not about you anymore! You think White Diamond will simply wipe us off the earth?! She will completely destroy the whole planet! She won't hesitate to destroy you, me or Steven. I used to do this for you.... But now... I do this for me! I do this for Steven! I do this for the planet I've come to love and call a home, even if you didn't walk on it anymore. It's not your planet anymore Pink, it's ours. And we will defend it, join us or not."

Pink's breath quickened, her jaw clenching. Pink walked closer to Pearl, a Pink aura emanating around her.

Garnet stepped in, staring up at Pink.

"Pink Diamond. We never followed you. We followed Rose Quartz, a gem with a purpose. Not a Diamond who has ever only thought of herself. Your selfish ways have brought us here, and now us, the Crystal Gems will end this once and for all."

"Is this how it is....? You will all abandon me and go by yourselves?" Pink spoke, her voice soft and trembling.

"No." Pearl spoke up, turning to face her with determined eyes. "You've abandoned us to save yourself"

"What an interesting show to witness!"

Claps quickly echoed through the room.

They turned around, forgetting about their argument to see a pale Diamond, a twisted smile on her once blue and beautiful features.

"....Blue?" Pink spoke shakily, her eyes couldn't believe what she was witnessing.

"Oh, Pink. How great to see you again, has been a long time since you left me behind!" White Diamonds voice escaped Blue's pale lips.

The crystal gems stood in a fighting stance, while Pink Diamond stood frozen, hot tears forming in her eyes.

All the while the pale diamond looked over them, with a wicked, twisted, diabolical smile.

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