A Diamond's Argument

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       "Oh Pink, you have no idea how much I've missed you..." Blue cried, hot tears of happiness escaping her. She calmly approached her, attempting to contain her joy.

        "Don't touch me! Leave me alone! Leave the earth alone! Leave... Steven alone..." She said looking at his small body in her arms, sobbing as she spoke.

Suddenly, Steven's stomach began to glow, a light so bright that it blinded them all momentarily.

And as quickly at the light appeared it died down. Where once the diamond posed proudly in his stomach, was now replaced by a pale flower, a small rose.

Stevens hair turned a dark pink, yet his skin remained the same.

"Steven...." Rose whispered in tears.

"Mom...?" Steven opened his eyes, looking up to her mother's smiling face.

Relief and happiness shining through the tears. Steven sat up and hugged her tightly, crying. He held on to his mother, fearing that when he opened his eyes once again, she would have disappeared, fearing that this was all just a very realistic dream, once again trapped in the temples door. He gently released his grip on her body, also fearing she would puff into a cloud.

"Oh Steven... Look at how big you are..." Rose said softly, wiping tears off Stevens cheeks.

"Pink...?" Blue said confused, expecting more of a happy reaction towards her.

"Pink, we brought you back, are you not grateful?" Said Yellow annoyed, stepping closer.

"I never asked you too..." Rose let go of Steven and stood up and facing the diamonds, anger filling her precious features. "I am not Pink diamond anymore. I am Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal gems! I will protect earth from you!"

"Pink, stop with all this nonsense! You begged for your own colony, you were so close, we can try it all once again.
With us as your mentors, we can make of earth a great colony" Blue extended her hand for Rose to hold but she slapped it away.

"I don't want to destroy earth"

"Pink, think of all the new gems we could create, we would use all this fertile ground to create new and better life." Yellow stared at her with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Life in earth is as great as it can be. Look around you, look at what all these amazing creatures have created. This is their home, this is my home. And I am not going to destroy it to create more useless and empty gems"

"Pink, you are being unreasonable, maybe when we're back in home world you will go back to your senses. This rotten planet has blinded you to your duty as a diamond. You are meant to lead." Yellow grabbed her by the arm forcefully and she quickly shoved her away.

Yellow looked down at her surprised and annoyed.

"I will never go back to home world! On earth, I am free to be myself, not one more of your stupid gem robots!"

"You are immature as ever, Pink. I knew you were too inexperienced to create your own colony. We will go back to home world even if I have to drag you there myself.!"

"Yellow... Pink... Calm yourselves. We still have time before our ship comes to transport us back to home world, we have plenty of time to convince Pink to come with us on her own free will."

"Of course. We will have to bring her back to her senses."

"That is not happening."

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