Master Plan.

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"I thought that was only a rumor..." Peridot scratched her chin and stared at the ground, her eyes looking distant, deep in thought.

"No, I heard the rumors too... After Pink Diamonds 'shattering' White diamond had lost it. Her rage and raw uncontrollable strength ripped home world in pieces.literally." Garnet adjusted her shades as she casually spoke of the ocurrance.

"But... It is not possible that just one diamond can hold a whole planet together with just... Strings!" Peridot argued and ran a hand through her green hair nervously. "If she is that powerful.... Oh nononono.... What are we doing?! We are literally running towards danger! I mean! We barely survived Yellow and Blue diamond, but this! This is just reckless! We will all be shattered! When she is done there won't even be stardust left of us!"

"Steven is in danger, we can't just leave him there." Lapis spoke up as she squeezed Peridot's shoulder reassuringly, trying to calm her down.

"So, the plan is.... Distraction-" Pearl pointed at the huge screen before her where Lars and his crew stared back at them. "You will target the strings, the distraction should give us enough time to sneak in and rescue Steven and Ro—Pink— My diamond...." She mumbled nervously her last words.

"Rescue Steven and his mom..." Lars nodded and began shouting orders at his crew.

Pearl sighed and sat on the Pink chair, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"It's too dangerous, Connie"
"Youre not strong enough, Connie."
"You are too young, Connie"
"Far too dangerous to take you, Connie"
"You're just a human, Connie."
"This is not your war."

      She woke up in a small compartment, the sword poked her back as she tried to adjust herself to a more comfortable position in the cramped space.
They told her not to come, that this was a gem war, not hers, but if it involved Steven it would always be her war.

She was his knight, her loyal knight and she would give her life for him. As Pearl once taught her, she was nothing, and he was everything. And he was.

She took a deep breath and opened her bag, gently pulling out her sandwich to keep as quiet as possible.
She opened the plastic wrapper she used to keep it fresh, and chewed slowly on it.

She could hear the gems argue about something, but couldn't quite make out what it was about. "...We need to...." Pearl said loudly and was interrupted by Garnet "let's—" the ship shook and Peridots voice sounded through the whole ship.
"We have arrived!"
She made it, she successfully had sneaked her way to home world to save Steven. She opened the small compartment in the wall and walked out. Nervously fiddling with her fingers as she approached the gems that had their backs to her.

"I hope theyt still are in the same room they were when I left. If not they will probably be in White Diam—"
Connie cleared her throat loudly, successfully gaining their attention.

Pearls eyes widened, she opened her mouth but she was at a loss for words. Connie shifted the weight from her bag on her shoulder, nervous for the scolding to come.

"Hello Connie, I was wondering when you would come out from your hiding spot." Garnet smiled at her and adjusted her shades calmly.

"You knew!?" Pearl gasped.

Garnet nodded, "We need Steven to be safe, Stevonnie is the safest choice for his escape for now." Garnet said calmly.

Connie tried to hide her idiotic grin, she had made it. Even Garnet agreed that she could help Steven.

"But Connie..." Garnet turned around so her back was facing her. "Don't trust other gems... And no matter what. Once you find Steven do not leave him out of your sight." She said quietly.

Connie felt her nervous as they all walked out of the ship, the moment she stepped on the dirt from under the building, an earthquake shook the ground.

"They have begun their part of the plan, it's our turn now." Pearl said while she ran under the tall building, followed by everyone.

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