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       They ran, they ran away from the clash of their diamonds, the moment they all feared the most.
The moment the diamond had poofed they knew they had to run. The yellow pearl held on to the wall, her long legs weak as she tried to think and take in all that had just happened. Blue Pearl and Steven had quickly followed behind her.
     Blue Pearl remained quiet as she stood next to Yellow Pearl.

"I-I can't believe... I can't believe your diamond actually attacked my diamond!" She turned to look at Blue Pearl. "And all because of that stupid and stubborn Pink Diamond!" She looked down at Steven. "You...." Her eyes filled with rage.
"Yellow... It's not human Steven's fault..." Blue Pearl spoke up quietly as she stood in front of Steven.
"He should be shattered! Pink Diamond should be punished, and since a diamond shouldn't be shattered then—"
"Yellow! You are no diamond to make decisions of your own. You are only a pearl and pearls are only to obey...." Blue intervined.

     Steven stared at the pearl's back, wondering why she was defending him. The pearls grew quiet except for the sound of a quiet sobbing. He poked his head around the Blue Pearl only to see Yellow Pearl crying.
"My diamond... Please forgive me for being useless in your moment of need...."
"But Yellow... Er... Pearl... No matter what you would've done... We couldn't have done anything to help.... We are small and they are huge powerful beings... You would have only been shattered if you tried to intervine." Steven tried to calm her down, taking a few steps towards her.

"Being shattered for her would be better than this!" Yellow Pearl yelled as tears blurred her eyes.

"But then... Who would be there to serve her when she's back...?" Blue pearl said quietly looking away.
Yellow Pearl cleared her throat, standing up straight and dusting herself. "For now, we should wait for our diamonds to talk this all out. We shall wait in my diamonds ship." She walked towards the exit, both of them following behind her.
     Steven felt his pocket, feeling the white cracked pearl in his pocket. "Blue Pearl.... Why was White diamond's pearl... A...."

"Human Steven.... There are things Pearls are not allowed to talk. Things that Pearls are not allowed to do. And things that.... Pearls are forced to be..." She said quietly, walking behind Yellow Pearl.

Steven took the pearl out of his pocket, staring at the crack.
'I wonder if....'
He quickly licked the pearl and stared at it full of hope.

"Human Steven—" Blue Pearl turned to look at him. "what are you doing with White Pearl?!"

Steven stared at her and hid the gem behind his back.
"I-I'm just...."
His back behind to glow, he placed the pearl on the ground and waited for her to appear.

"Human Steven... What have you...." Blue Pearl backed away from them.

A high pitch bloodcurling scream filled the air as the white body appeared. Steven covered his ears as he stared at her with wide eyes.

"My diamond! Forgive me!!!!" The Pearl screamed falling to the ground. Tears streaming down her white face. She looked up to see the Pearls and the human.

"Blue.... Yellow..." Her eyes widened.
"Hello White." Yellow said coldly looking away.
"White...." Blue Pearl backed away more.
"Why didn't you..." The white Pearl began, but then started laughing maniacally. "Oh, how stupid of me.... We are all just pearls... We can't do anything..." She wiped her tears and stood up staring at Steven. "Human....?"

"Hi! I'm Steven!" He greeted nervously.

"This is human Steven.... He is...."
"I'm Pink Diamonds son" Steven said and saw how the three pearls tensed up at the mention of Pink Diamond.
"Pink diamond...." She placed a hand on her gem, staring at the ground with her eyes full of sadness.

"Let's go wait for now." Yellow broke the tension and they all nodded.
"What are we waiting for...?" White pearl asked nervously.
"Our Diamonds are.... Arguing..." Blue Pearl said staring off at the distance.
"Our... As in.. White D— my diamond is involved?"
They all nodded in response.
"This can't be good..." White Pearl hugged herself and shivered.

Steven stared at where her gem was placed, wondering why it would be placed in such an off place, considering she was White's pearl. He was about to ask Blue Pearl but they were interrupted.

"What are all these pearls doing here? Shouldn't you be with your owners?" Said an unknown voice. "Oh my! Its Rose Quartz! And she is now leading a group of rebel pearls?! How low!"

Aquamarine stared at them with her little wand in hand.
"Aquamarine, we are just waiting for our Diamonds to talk and call for us." Yellow Pearl said firmly.

"But that does not explain why you are with Rose Quartz! You should be shattered just by being near these traitorous gem rebel!"

"Aquamarine, we ask politely of you to leave before my diamond returns and finds you threatening her pearl." Blue said quietly.
Aquamarine stared at them, her small water wings flapping gently as she floated above them.
"Why are you not by your diamonds side, hm?" She said eyeing them suspiciously.
"It is information that you are not to be informed of unless our diamonds say." Blue Pearl spoke a bit louder. "Once again, we ask you politely to leave."

Steven stared at them, hiding behind blue and white Pearl.
Aquamarine stared at him, her eyes looking at him with suspicion.
"I will take the rebel to the cells, if you wish to retrieve her it will have to be one of my diamonds orders." Aquamarine took her bow off and gently shook it untill it stiffened. She pointed at Steven with her little wand. "Now, hand me the prisioner."

"We do not follow orders of anyone other than diamonds." Yellow stepped to the front, staring directly into Aquamarine's eyes.
"If you wish to take human Steven, you shall be punished by our diamonds. Now once again, we ask you to leave."

Aquamarine groaned and placed her bow back in place.
"All right. But if I find out that any of you Pearls have joined Rose Quartz and her rebel army I will be the first to shatter you all." She flew away, ocassionally glancing at them.

"Members of the court are just such nuisances." Yellow Pearl mumbled. "Feeling important for following orders from diamonds. If only they knew how amazing it is to be by their side every single minute of every single hour of every day." Yellow Pearl twirled happily. Then she stopped and turned to look at White pearl, her eyes seemed hurt and full of pain. "I mean.... Not all pearls are as lucky...."
They walked into the yellow ship and sat down. Awaiting for their diamonds to calm down.

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