17. Spring day

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"I'm sorry,"

Yoongi POV

I laughed hearing his words. "No it's ok, you don't need to apologise if you've hurt her a bit, at least she's alive." Before I knew it, her parents and Tae were all on the floor crying their eyes out. Of course I knew what was going on, I was just too stubborn to believe any of it.

"Why are you crying auntie. Let's go see her." I smilied at her holding onto her shoulders, trying to help her up.

"She's gone Yoongi-ah, she's gone!" She yanked out of my grip.

I fell onto the floor, Jungkook holding me with teary eyes. "Has she really gone?" I looked up with red eyes. "Hyung, it's ok." The water finally left his eyes as he hugged me.

Jungkook POV

Just as I thought I could start opening my heart for her. I had never witnessed a death in my life. It frightened me everytime someone talked about. Let alone now here I am feeling the same thing. I slowly hugged Yoongi hyung, whispering soothing words into his ear.

He was by far hurt the most, he loved her so much. Now she's completely gone.

Yoongi POV

I couldn't think straight. She's gone. Because I left her. It wouldn't be the same without her.

I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to the doctor. "D-doctor, doctor please!" I pleaded hoping it was all a lie. "I'm sorry, Mr Min, you may go see her, but do not lift up the sheets." He apologised and walked away.

I ran out. I didn't have the courage to face her after all of this. Especially, if I'm the reason. I ran and ran, not caring where my feet guided me. I just wanted to be away from the place.

Next day at Minas funeral~
Third person POV

Crying, whispering, sobbing, guilt.

That's all that could be seen and heard from everyone. A lot of people turned up at the funeral. It was a scary experience for most people, mostly Yoongi.

He didn't sleep one bit the previous night. The whole night went, crying and playing the piano. He loved the soothing music of the piano. It put his heart at ease. For a bit at least. Before he broke down again, thinking about you. He still didn't want to believe any of it.

Yoongi watched as Taehyung went around and gave Mina's parents a bunch of flowers after he gave them a comforting hug. He seemed so strong as he smiled and hid his pain but Yoongi knew it was all an act. As Taehyung slowly approached the black polished coffin, holding his bestfriend, he kept the forced smile on his face. But that didn't last long, Taehyung immediately broke down into loud sobs once his gaze fell onto the smiling photo frame of you, sat beside your dead body.

Yoongi stayed at one corner, during the funeral. He couldn't face anyone. He couldn't face the guilt. He watched as everyone cried and screamed their heart out at your lifeless body sealed in a coffin. He never thought that such a beautiful Spring day would become such a devastating one.

You're mother and father slowly walked to you, white roses in their hands. They were your favourite. The pure colour would usually put your heart at peace. Laying down the rose on the wooden coffin, they once again broke down, holding onto eachother to keep their balance.

As more and more time passed by, everyone slowly left the place. The coffin was finally in the ground. Everyone left the place in Yoongis eyes. He slowly made his way to the tomb stone that guarded his best friend like a shield. As he crouched down to put the white rose on the tomb stone. He suddenly lost his balance, falling to the ground screaming and crying his heart in front of you. He had kept it in all this time, but now he couldn't anymore. He thought he was alone before a hand came and slowly caressed his shoulder, crouching down beside him.


Jungkook slowly let a tear escape his eye, as he stared at the stone. He felt guilt, sadness, everything but anything positive. He held onto his brother, whilst he constantly let tears flow. Though, he was not close to you at all, he felt a strange connection.

As the two men gripped onto eachother for support, another slowly joined in. It felt so wrong, that she left. It felt so fake. Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook all held on each other for help.

Yoongi didn't have a best friend to go ask help for, even for the most stupid things.

Taehyung didn't have a friend to go clubbing with whenever they wanted to.

Jungkook didn't have a savage wife in the house to always tease and simply to give him company. Although, Jungkook acted like he didn't care in front of you and everyone. He honestly felt a great feeling to just be around you all the time. But now it was none of it, no fighting just for fun, no jealousy over stupid stuff and no company.

You don't care about someone you have in your life until you've lost them.

And this all happened on one Spring day.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Look out for more chapters coming soon! Bye bitchesssss ❤️❤️❤️

I hate you.| Jeon Jungkook. [UNDER EDITING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora