14. Ive lost everyone, havent i?

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After the day at the hospital, jungkook never talked to me. It's been nearly a week and he has been ignoring me. Although we lived in the same house, he found every way not to talk to me. It pissed me off at times and I don't know why. Every time I tried to ask him something, he would totally ignore my existence. For example, I would ask where he's going but I'd get aired by the prick.

I was sitting in the living room watching some YouTube when Jungkook came down the stairs. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked to start a conversation. But obviously the ass just walked past me as if I was some piece of shit on the pavement.

"Yo dickhead, why're you ignoring me!" I started to get impatient. "Can you just shut up?" I shook my head at him. "Then go talk to someone else! I can't be assed with your bullshit!" I got up and walked out the room.

As I sat in my room staring at the ceiling, I heard buzz and a slight vibration at the side of my bed. It was my phone, it kind of surprised me as no one wanted to talk to me after the café incident.

As I turned to my phone the least expected contact popped up.

E'dawn 🖤

I hadnt heard from him in months.

Hey Min.

Hey. Haven't heard from you in years

It's been a month 😑

Still 😑 so what's up?

We need to talk.

Ok? Usual café?

See ya there.


When I noticed I quickly ran towards my closet and picked something random to wear.

I raced out my bedroom door and leaped down the stairs

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I raced out my bedroom door and leaped down the stairs. As I made my way down the stairs, I could see jungkooks cold gaze stuck on me from the living room. When I got closer to the door I heard his deep voice from behind. "Where do you think your going?" I heard him speak in a serious tone.

I used his technique and tried to complete ly ignore him but before I could continue my steps, I felt a strong grip on my forearm. "Jungkook, get of me." He only tightened his grip. "I said get. of. me!" I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"Where are you going?!" He yelled, holding on to the rim of my shorts as I was going to walk off. "Going to see my boyfriend! Gotta problem?!" I screamed. "You don't have a boyfriend." "And you know that because?" I said folding my arms on top of my chest. "Because you're too ugly." He swiftly turned away from me. Before he could get to far I grabbed him by the hem of his shirt.

"What now?" He asked impatiently. "Ok fine then I'm going!" I screamed and raced out the door although I could hear his voice calling for me.

I hate you.| Jeon Jungkook. [UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now