23. Come back.

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Before I knew it, I was in the arms of the man I missed dearly. His large arms holding me tightly, engulfing me into a ever so warm embrace.

He slowly rubbed circles with the centre of his palm on my lower back, creating a soothing feeling.

"You could have just come to me." He whispers in my ear without thinking twice about what he's actually saying. Before he could process anything that he let out of his voice box, he was strongly pushed back by the force of my hand on his chest.

I was beyond frustrated at the fact that he could let that out of his mouth as if it meant nothing to him. I stared at his confused and worried figure on the ground. His eyes filled with concern.

"How can you say that so easily?" I barely let out of my voice box. "After all you did, after everything I was put through, after being hated by everyone?! You actually expect me to come running back to YOU for help?" I yelled annoyed by his innocent look. "Just because you were happy Jeon, doesn't mean I was!" With that, I hurried out of the small apartment, slamming the wooden door shut behind me.

Jungkook POV

You're so fucking clever Jeon Jungkook. She's angry at you. As I stood there, processing everything Mina just said, I realised she was already out of my sight.

Worried at the fact that she's out alone outside at 9pm, I ran out the scene.

As I wandered around the empty streets alone, I noticed a  petite figure standing like a statue in the distance, making her look like a little toy. I approached closer to only find that she was with another man.

I approached closer to realise that man had his hand around her stick-like wrists, as she tried to pull away. Before anything, I rushed behind and yanked her out of his strong grip.

I turned her around in a second as her head met the front of my chest. "Well, well Min, who do we have here?" The man smirked over at us. As I spoke, I felt her tense up in my embrace. "Her Husband. You?" I spoke to be confused with his sudden change in voice.

"Husband? I see. Mina why don't ya tell your husband who I am." The unknown man, once again spoke with his cold and raspy voice. "Mina?" I looked down at the afraid, fragile body in my arms.

"Ryan, not now." She suddenly turned away from my chest. "Not now." She said almost scared to speak anymore, she turned to the direction of her little residence.

"You can't get away forever, love." He said as he gave me one last smirk before turning away and walking into the darkness of the night.

You can't get away from me forever.

Them words rang in my head as I walked back to the little place. I reached the house to only found the door wide open. As I walked in, locking the door behind me, I saw her tiny figure on the sofa, hand on face. I approached her slowly, kneeling in front of her crouched figure.

She slowly lifted her head, her eyes fillies with worry. "Who was that, munchkin?" I say slowly in order to not annoy her any further. "I think you should go, Jeon." She let out sharply, looking at me, deep in the eyes.

"I'm not leaving." I said making up my decision as I let my self into the couch beside the girl. "Why? You have your own house!" She popped confused. "I don't have enough bedrooms for the both of us. I only have one." She whispered whilst walking into her cozy room.

"Who said we need two rooms?" I said as I tagged along, behind her. "Where are you going to sleep then? On the sofa?" She slowly turned look at me.

"Nope. I'm sleeping on the bed." I ran my hand through my hair, edging towards the rather small bed. "Then where am I sleeping?! I'm not sleeping on the sofa!" She yelled seriously. "Who said you sleeping there?" A smirk forming on my face.

I jumped on the bed, getting comfy on the soft mattress whilst throwing the thick comforter above my body. I watched as she stood by the door, eyes and mouth wide open. "Excuse me Mr Jeon, that is my bed, your ass is getting comfy on!" She screams pointing her index finger at the soft object.

"Well you see Mrs Jeon, your going to be sleeping nowhere other than right here." I say pointing at my chest.
"I need alone time with my boyfriend!" She said. "So you're cheating on me now?" I spoke, a grin covering my lips. "Wh-" she couldn't say anything.

Mina pov

"So you're cheating on me now?"

"Wh-" I didn't know what to say, i knew he was joking. "That's what I though too." In a flash of a second I was on the bed, face buried into his hard but cozy chest.

"Jeon I-" I was cut off rudely by the man I call my husband, beside me. "Hush baby, go to sleep." He whispered softly into my ear, falling into a deep slumber, breathing softly into my hair. Although, I was still annoyed at him, I couldn't help but softly smile at the baby-like man guarding my small body.

"Goodnight, Jeon."

Hope you enjoyed! Bye bitchesssss ❤️❤️❤️

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