Broken Dolls Part 1

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I don't like it when things don't turn out as planned. It's just supposed to be a simple talk but no Laurel decided to play cop and try to arrest us. Oliver and I would have made it out but we've been trying the 'no kill' rule. Ok, he's been ok with his no-killing rule but I really wanted to shoot these cops so we could make it out alive.

"Put your weapons down," Laurel said as the cops pointed their guns on our chest. I didn't lower my weapon as I looked around the room for another way out.

"We're not your enemy," Oliver stated slowly.

"Then put your weapons down."

"After you call your men back," I said.

Laurel didn't say anything. Her glare intensified, showing her hate for me and Oliver behind them. No move. No word or any kind was being made.

We heard something break before someone came crashing through the roof. This blonde woman in leather clothing stood in front of me and Oliver and held up a device. The device gave out this ear shrieking noise that got the cops and Laurel to cover their ears. The frequency was high enough to shatter the windows. The woman turned the device off and grabbed our arms. She was giving us looks but there was something about her that made me trust her.

She started to run while I grabbed Oliver and followed her. We jumped through the window. The cops started to shoot at us. We landed on the ground and rolled before we started running. We made it far away enough to walk.

"Thanks for the save," I told the stranger. "But why did you help us?"

The chick didn't say anything. She didn't even glance at us before she ran up the car and started to climb up the fire escape. I'm not going to argue with a good save but...who was that? Why did she save us?


The minute Oliver and I entered the bunker Tommy and Felicity sighed in relief. Tommy rushed over and hugged me, which I returned.

"Police scanners have been blowing up for an hour," Diggle said. "Laurel called in half the force with that silent alarm."

"Yeah, because going after actual bad guys is so last year," Felicity said sarcastically.

"To her, we're the bad guys," Oliver pointed our as he set his bow down.

"Since when?"

"Since I almost died," Tommy mumbled softly. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, guys."

"Sorry that you almost died by the hands of daddy dearest?" I replied sarcastically. "Tommy, you don't have to apologize for anything."

"Then why does it feel like I do? Laurel was convinced you two were heroes until the while Undertaking."

"And you once told me we were monsters. But look who's with us now?"

"Me training with you." Tommy furrowed his brows. "I never thought it would happen." He let out a light chuckle.

"How did you guys get out of there?" Felicity asked.

Oliver turned around. "We had help from a masked blonde woman in black."

"Another copycat vigilante?" Diggle wondered.

I shook my head. "No," I answered as I got a bit excited. "She was different. She was well trained. And she used this cool sonic device that got the cops to cover their ears. The frequency was high enough to break the windows but not damage our ears to the point of bleeding and -"

"Ashley," Oliver interrupted me.

My smile slowly faltered. "I'm rambling aren't I?"

"Yeah, because you're the nerd of the family," Tommy joked which made me punch his arm.

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