Chapter Thirteen

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Vera walked out of the company building while she was on her phone and smiling at the same time. She slowly strolled towards where Jonathan had packed his car but paused in her strides when she felt like someone was watching her. It made her look over her shoulder with furrowed dark eyebrows but shrugged it off later and continued her walk towards the car.

When she got to the car, she pressed the button on the car key, automatically unlocking the car and the moment she was about to open the door, she paused again when she got that feeling but only closer. She started breathing dangerously high then turned around.

"Ah!" She yelped when she came face to face with Jenna. "You scared me. Phew."

She smiled. "Hello, Vera."

Vera swallowed. "W-What are you doing here?"

"What sort of question is that? My husband works here and I normally visit him. But what are you doing with his car?" Jenna asked and crossed her arms then gave her a dull smile.

"I-Well, you see, since it's lunch time, I offered to buy him lunch because he didn't eat this morning and he looks hungry and weak," she replied while playing with the key within her grasp.

"Hmm, how did you know that he didn't have breakfast before leaving for work?" Jenna asked and leaned on the car, still sporting the same smile.

"Um, he told me," she replied and Jenna nodded. "I heard that you went away for some days."

"I did? Where did I go to?"

"Jonathan told me that you went away for four days and he was worried about you," Vera stated in a quivering tone.

Jenna laughed. "Is that so? How would he be worried when he was out on a business trip and having the fun of his life. Please, enlighten me."

"Jenna, I swear, nothing happened between the both of us," Vera said in a pleading tone. "The thing was, we heard of a new investor and we had to go, only for us to find out that it was fake."

"And you still didn't come back immediately after that? Shocking," the curly haired woman said with a shrug. "There's no need to cover up your disgusting self, Vera. You just need to watch your back because the hate within my heart for you can kill."

Vera bit her lip as Jenna brushed past her aggressively with a short laugh. The black haired woman turned around to watch Jenna walk away in long strides until she got to her car.

"Oh, God." She whispered, fear dripping.


Checking her time on her phone again, she sighed and looked over at the door from the indoor balcony she was leaning on. She ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled then rolled her eyes.

"Tsk, I know that they are together," she said and chuckled drily. "Dear, Jonathan. What am I going to do to you now? You keep your wife at home for another woman? Haha, I'm such a fool for falling for you. Or is it that you hate the color of my skin?"

She kissed her teeth and stood straight then ran her fingers along the wooden railing of the balcony. She began to hum and made her way down the steps after running her fingers to the start of it. She picked up her car key and walked out of the house and immediately, she saw Jonathan car coming from a distance, which made her run over to her own car and hide beside it until he stopped his car at the entrance of their home.

Jenna watched as he relaxed on his car seat and said something to someone who was sitting beside him, and that someone being none other than Vera. She scoffed and kept her gaze on them as they spoke animatedly to each other until Vera wrapped her arms around him, Jonathan followed suit and later pulled away.

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