Day 4

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{There's no reason

to feel all the hard times

to lay down the hard lines

It's absolutely true}


Bakugou wasn't in his room when Kirishima knocked on his door the next morning.

Suppressing a disappointed sigh, Kirishima wandered downstairs into the common room. He was barely halfway when voices began reaching his ears, the excited buzzing far too alert for this early in the morning.

As he reached the bottom of the steps, he saw what the fuss was all about.

Bakugou was leant against the wall next to the TV, his eyes wary and half lidded. Although he appeared very tired, and held a disgruntled expression, Kirishima found himself ogling at how lovely the sight of the other boy was.

After a moment, Kirishima realised that no one had noticed his arrival. He followed Bakugou's glare, where his eyes were glued to someone standing beside Ashido.

Kirishima blinked, taking in the stranger.

His appearance was almost identical to Ashido's, bar his height. He was quite tall, nearing Aizawa's height if the latter wasn't slouching, with fluffy pink hair and the same black eyes and yellow iris's as his sister.
A cheeky smile was spread on his lips, and Kirishima decided that although he didn't seem as as excitable as his younger counterpart, he was likely just as mischievous.

Kirishima glanced down to where Ashido was crouched.

She was shoving fistfuls of unfolded clothes into a glittery purple duffle bag, while babbling enthusiastically to Sero. The other boy was sitting on top of a small black suitcase with a white stripe down the centre, watching Ashido with his trademark grin on his face.

"Hey there! I'm Ashido Asayo. You can call me Ash."

Kirishima jolted slightly, but before he could respond, Sero piped up.

"Wait, no! That's our nickname for Ashido!"

Ashido laughed, hitting Sero lightly with a shirt she was holding.

"It was his nickname ever since I can remember!" she argued, and Sero gave a small huff before turning back to her, the two immediately bickering again.

Kirishima turned to Ash and offered a smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kirishima Eijirou," he turned, looking back at the group, where Kaminari, and surprisingly Shinsou, had emerged from nowhere, "What's going on?"

Ash gave Kirishima a confused look, then smirked slightly, "I'm assuming they're getting ready to go camping. At least, I hope they are, or I came here for no reason."

Kirishima's eyes widened briefly before he laughed, shaking his head, "That was today? Wow, thanks for telling me guys!"

"Dude... we did? We talked about it on the first day of holidays remember? When we decided to go camping in the first place." Kaminari pointed out.

Kirishima glanced at the electric boy, who was staring at him with an amused grin. He was standing beside Shinsou, who was also holding a large bag, presumably for camping.

Kirishima couldn't remember anything being said about Shinsou coming with them on the trip, but he knew the purple haired boy had become friends with Kaminari, so maybe it was another part of that conversation he had missed by his preoccupation with a certain blonde.

It's not like Kirishima minded Shinsou being there anyway- a friend of Kaminari is a friend of his.

"I don't remember that," he chuckled, choosing not to ask why Shinsou was coming, and ran his fingers through his hair, "but I don't mind. It'll only take me ten minutes to get ready."

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