Day 3

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{If our love song

Could fly over mountains

Could laugh at the ocean

Just like the films}


Kirishima wasn't usually one for payback, but this was just too tempting.

He had set three alarms- one for every five minutes between 5.45am and 6am. Then, before bed, he made sure to have a shower and lay out his clothes for the next day in preparation.

When morning came, he was surprised that he didn't need the second and third alarms, as his first thought was a sudden wave of excitement.

He wanted to spar with Bakugou this morning and was planning on knocking on his door at 6am on the dot, hopefully waking the other boy up like he had done to him.

Kirishima's shoulders were still aching from yesterday's session, and figured Bakugou's would be too, so he decided that the blond might be more willing to go and spar rather than workout.

After changing, Kirishima stepped out into the corridor, and was immediately greeted by the sight of Kaminari pacing.

He had just passed Bakugou's room, and when he reached the dead end, he turned and began pacing back towards Kirishima. His head was down, bright yellow hair concealing his eyes, but he had a dopy grin on his lips accompanied by a dreamy expression.

"Yo!" Kirishima exclaimed cheerfully, and the electric boy's head shot up in shock.

He stared for a moment, seemingly still startled, before he shook his head and his hair fell away from his eyes. He grinned.

"Oh! Hey dude! Whatcha doin' up so early?"

It was Kirishima's turn to grin now. "Was gonna wake Bakugou up. He did it to me yesterday, so fair is fair."

Kaminari laughed, turning to lean against the wall, "If he explodes you, I'm not helping!" he said with a shrug.

"He won't" Kirishima said confidently, before glancing down at his watch.
Two minutes before he needed to knock.
He looked back up, eyeing Kaminari's bright expression and fidgeting body. He didn't look tired at all, despite how early it was.

"Why are you up anyway?"

Kaminari's grin faltered for a split second and he stared at the wall beside Kirishima's head for a moment. Then his focus snapped back to Kirishima's face and his smile returned.

"Okay, I'm only telling you this because you're my best bro. But you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

Kirishima's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He hadn't expected there to be a story to this. He nodded anyway, and Kaminari sighed out a breath, dreamy eyes returning as he stared in the distance.

"I have a-" he began, before Bakugou's door swung open, cutting him off. The edge of the door knocked into Kaminari, and the electric boy stumbled a step to the side.

"Good morning to you too Bakugou!" Kaminari chirped sarcastically, but he still smiled warmly at the blond.

Bakugou ignored him, eyes instead moving to where Kirishima stood, propped back against the wall across from him. His eyes ran down him quickly, before snapping back to his face.

"Gonna go workout without me Shitty Hair?"

Kirishima felt heat flood to his cheeks at the borderline possessive tone that had slid into Bakugou's voice, despite the teasing smirk he sported.

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