"Why were you scared?" 

"About what peple might think." I brought her into a hug and gently rubbed her back, trying to sooth and calm her down. After a few minutes the tears finally stopped, she looked up at me and I held her gaze. God she was even beautiful when she had been crying. I leaned down and pressed our lips together, it was a slow yet passionate kiss after she started reciprocating it.

"Can we just, start again?" she asked timidly as if she was afraid of what my answer would be.

"Go on a date with me," I said instead of asking. She was hesitant and I knew why, she was still scared. "we'll order room service and watch a bunch of movies." she nodded vigorously before kissing me. I knew that when I said 'date' she immediately thought of a date that involved a night with hand holding, kissing and such outside, where people could see. Not gonna lie it hurt, it hurt that she was....ashamed to be dating a girl, dating me. Or at least that's what it seemed like.

When she was cleaning her self up in the bathroom I ordered room service and kept it simple, pizza, everybody loves some good old pizza. She came out just in time since room service had just dropped off dinner but for some reason the chick just keot standing there, awkwardly. Ummm ok then....that's when Lauren giggled and came over, handing her some money. Oh shit! I forgot to give her a tip. After the girl left and thanked Lauren I turned to find Lauren trying to supress her laugh.

"Ok back in Australia we don't really tip. Not my fault, I just forgot." I explained, which is comepletely true, tipping wasn't like it was here in The US. Wow, I must have looked like a douche in front of the hotel staff member. Note to self, always tip. Always.

"Come on loser," Lauren dragged me to my bed, as she got comfortable I brought the pizza closer to us. "guess what's on. Finding Nemo!" I laughed and we started watching it. This girl is just too freaking adorable. Halfway through the movie we finished the pizza, while the rest of the movie involved me just admiring her. It's a good thing I've already seen Finding Nemo a bunch of times.

She caught me staring a few times and each time she blushed. After the last time I had been caught, which was approximately fifeteen minutes ago we just started kissing. Should have seen this coming knowing I can't keep my eyes or hands off of Lauren. I'm fucked. I'm falling. I've fallen. Hard.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I blurted out after we broke for air. Smooth, real smooth Y/N. Lauren beamed and came in for yet another strong kiss that could have lasted forever, but obviously didn't due to the lack of air.

"Yes," she pecked me one more time before continuing. "you're gonna hate me for what I'm about to ask though."

"I could never hate you Lauren." she took a big breath, clearly nervous about what she's going to ask.

"Can we keep it low key? For now I mean, just away from....the public." If you heard a crack, that was probably the sound of my heart breaking, yet again. But I understood where she was coming from, Lauren really worried and cared what people thought. Although she preached a lot about how someone's sexuality shouldn't be the most important thing about someone, whiel you're living this life, in front of everybody, there are some things that can get in the way.

"For now." I agreed.

"I don't deserve someone as amazing as you." I brought both my hands to her face and looked her in the eyes because it gave away the fact that she actually believed in what she just said and that tore my heart  apart. More than what she asked and what she's done.

"You deserve the world and everything good it has to offer Lauren," i kissed her forehead before checking the time and it was already 11:30pm. "stay here tonight, it's late and I wanna spend more time with you before we leave Miami,"

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