"I hope its not too busy today. I can't be tired for my date tonight." He smiled to himself.

"Oooo, who with?" I asked.

"His name is Jean. I met him at the video store a few weeks ago."

"Him? Marco, you never told me you were gay." I looked at him with surprise.

"Oh, um, yeah I am." He blushed.

"Sweet, congrats." I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks." He smiled back and walked towards the cleaning station to grab some supplies to wipe down the tables.

Unfortunatly, it wasn't as Marco had hoped. We were busy as always. I sighed and grabbed my notebook and pencil which I always kept in my pocket. I began doodling coffee cups on it. I don't know why, it just kept my stress levels down.

"Hey." I heard a female voice say from the counter.

"Oh sorry I-" I looked up and saw Krista with a friend next to her.

"Krista? What are you doing here!" I exclaimed and kissed her over the counter. Krista and I met about three months ago at a festival in town. We talked a few times, went out and now we are together. She was a beautiful young girl, with blonde hair and blue eyes like me. We have alot in common.

"I came to make sure my boyfriend wasn't up to mishchief. Also to order some coffee." She laughed.

"Nice to see you trust me." I smiled.

"Oh this is my friend Mikasa." She pointed to the girl next to her who had long black hair and very dark eyes; they were a dark gray colour.

"Hi." I smiled politely.

"Hi." She said plainly but with a minute smile.

"So what can I get you gals?" I asked.

Krista asked Mikasa and they discussed it for a moment before turning back to me. "We'll just get two of my usual please." She said.


"Is there a girlfriend and friend discount?" She gave me puppy dog eyes.

"I dont know." I smirked. She pulled my shirt and kissed me.

"How about now?"

"Did you say free coffee?" I smiled and grabbed money from my own pocket, placing it in the register.

"Such a gentleman." She giggled, thanked me and walked off to sit down.

Then, from a man about my age ran through the door and stopped at the counter. He had longish brown hair and green eyes that really stood out.

"Hello, can I help you?" I said politely.

"No, you can't help me." He panted. "I came here from no apparent reason." He laughed.

I chuckled lightly.

"Nah, but seriously, I dont want anything; more like someone. Is Connie here? Oh wow I sounded a bit rude just then." He slapped himself in the face, making me flinch. "Just kidding, can I just- UGH! Wait let me start again." He said and spun around in a full circle to face me again. "Ask me if I want anything."

"Um, do you, uh want anything?" I asked hesitantly. He was kind of freaking me out.

"Yes, I would like a small coffee. Sorry for being weird before I'm just, really, really stressed out right now." He sighed and pinched his temples.

"Don't worry, we all get stressed sometimes." I laughed nervously. I was still a bit cautious of him.

"Yeah, ain't that the truth. Okay, I'll talk to Connie, be back in a sec." He was about to run off but I stopped him.

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