Chapter 37 - A Sky Full Of Stars

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You aren't just a star to me you are a whole damn Sky.

Musca's P.O.V

I was lying on my stomach, on my bed. I blinked and opened my eyes, in the dark. The pain in my heart subdued the pain in my bones and tendons. How much time had gone by? I couldn't tell.

Getting up with trouble, I took my phone from under the pillow. I squinted as I turned it on, adjusting to its light. It was seven. What day it was? Where was I? These questions were unanswered until the phone in my hand rang with Adhan, startling me, indicating it was Namaz time. I put the phone back and rubbed my temples, trying to bring back the memory of what happened to me in the first place?

Ghazi had called...Aaliyan's Nikah on Sunday with Sara.

I had taken three sleeping pills and I slept... for twenty-six hours straight. My head spun, I grabbed it with both hands, pressing my eyes hard, waiting for it to stop.

I opened my watery eyes. I stood up and taking my things I thanked the Lord for creating walls, because, at that moment, I had no support but the walls as I walked to the door, taking help from them.

I went downstairs somewhat feeling stable and in my senses. I got out of my house, my cycle was chained to a pole; I unlocked it and got on it.

I cried as adrenaline rushing through my veins. I paddled the cycle with all the strength I had in my being. I knew what my destination was. I had an appointment today. I didn't plan to go there, especially in the condition I was in.

I stopped in front of a huge building, nearly throwing my cycle I dashed inside, thrashing in the waves of my misery. I shook in anxiety until the elevator arrived, a few people got out, but no one got into it with me. Tears kept speeding up, as I remembered Ghazi's words. 

I rubbed my cheeks harshly as the doors opened with a ding. An ache in my head making itself felt with a vibrating motion like stone made ripples in a river. I went to the reception. 

Sniffing and wiping my unstoppable tears, I rasped. "Is he here, the therapist Steve? I had an appointment."

"Yes, ma'am he is with a clien-" I didn't let her complete, I sniffed and ran to the therapist's clinic door, ignoring the shouts behind me. The therapist and an elderly woman, who turned her head around, were startled by the sudden intrusion.

I walked to Steve's table. "I wan- need to talk."

He nodded at me, "Sure, Miss Stuart, can I please-"

"No," I shook my head, tired and helpless of my falling tears, "Now, right now."

He nodded again, and turned to the women with an apologetic expression and then to the receptionist standing at the door. "Lisa, Can you please take Mrs. Denis to Doctor Lewis?"

"Sure!" She said and led the women out.

"Dr. Scarlet told me you shifted here. I was here for a seminar, I was about to leave. I didn't think you'd come." His smile did nothing but infuriate me.

I sat on the chair and looked into his eyes with my teary ones. "I want to forget everything. Give me anything that would make me forget." My chin twitched. "I don't want to remember anything at all."

"Relax, I will help."

"Fast. I can't bear these..." I clawed my arm, scratching where the small snakes moved under my skin. "these...moving...I."

"First of all," he took a pad and pen and gave them to me. "Take this test, tick whatever you feel."

It was a list of symptoms and boxes before them. Shockingly, this made me sob more because I ticked all the boxes.

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