A Run Away Cat

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Weiss: I stood up from my bed as I look towards Blake"You do realize you're defending an organization that hates humanity don't you? The faunus of the White Fang are pure evil." I then cross my arm's

Blake: I stood up from my bed getting more furious with Weiss"There's no such thing as "pure evil"! Why do you think they hate humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like 'you' that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!"

Weiss: I gotton shock to Blake comparing me to the people she is discrabing"People like me???"

Blake: I look at Weiss as if she was being a idiot to question what I'm trying to say"You're discriminatory!"

Weiss: I stomp out of frustration"I'm a victim!" This cause the whole room to go silent until I started to speak up"You want to know 'why' I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus?" I started walking towards the window, then stood infront of it looking out the window"It's because they've been in war with my family for years. War. As actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across it's back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched my family friends disapper, board members excuted, an entire train car full of Dust... Stolen. And every day my father will come home furious, and that almost made a very difficult childhood. The only person I have ever had was Snow... My only friend that never once truly disapper until after I've found out about his parent's death. At times it will be hard just to...look at him without thinking about how much it affected him..."

Ruby: I started to walk up to Weiss, then place my hand on her shoulder"Weiss I-"

Weiss: I move my shoulder to get Ruby hands off of my shoulder"No!" I walk back where I stood, then look back at Blake full of rage"You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars! Thieves and murders!" I gotten closer into Blake face

Blake: At the end I got tire of my buttons being push"Well maybe we just got tire of being push around!!" When Weiss started walking back from me I realize I've told the truth that I'm a Faunus"...I--" I use my sembalance to quickly leave through the door but accidently ran into Orlando in then process causing us to fall together

Orlando: "Ow!" I look back at Blake with feeling concern to what I had heard"Blake..."

Blake: I gotten scare thinking he heard what I said, then I quickly use my sembalance to get away again but this time faster

Orlando: I quickly got up giving a chase to Blake"Wait, Blake!"

Weiss: When Snow came infront of the door I look surpise"You heard...?" I gently rub my shoulders avoiding his eyes

Snow: I nodded gently as I just smile arkwardly to the situation"Wanna walk together?"

Weiss: I now held my arm tightly to his sudden question"Yea..." I sigh as I started walking out the room and leaving with Snow

Nero: Me and Orleans didn't really left our dorm room but we did heard everything from what Weiss has said

Orleans: I felt sad to hearing Weiss story even about her friends and family"I never guess Weiss had a rough life and lost a family aswell..."

Nero: I sat down on my bed looking up to my little sister"Goes to show everyone is always having rough life. Not just us."

Orleans: I nodded in agreement with him"Yea I guess you know that better."

Blake: when I've reach outside I kept on running none stop even when I started to get tire I kept on running. Till eventually I've stop infront of the Academy statue staring at with a upset face, then I slowly took off my ribbon to reveal my cat ear's. I held my ribbon tightly as I wipe a tear from my cheek

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