Newt Imagine: Flinch

Start from the beginning

"Newt, what the hell are you doing?" Frypan asked.

"Shut it! I'm asking her for help," He watched her sign: Why?

"Since when do you know sign language?" Thomas looked confused.

"I don't bloody know. It's just like an instinct?" The Brit responded, making fists with his hands. He held them at the center of his body, and turned them while taking them out of his shoulders. "Safe"

The girl scoffed, shaking her head. "Nothing is there."

"The Right Arm is," Newt signed, and [Y/N] stopped. She moved her eyes away from the blonde and took a step back. "Please help us,"

She met his eyes again. "You are from WICKED."

Newt nodded: "But we hate them."

She crossed her arms, squinting at the boy. "You could be lying."

"No," Newt signed. He placed his index finger on his lips, then placed a flat hand on his left hand. "I promise."

"What's happening right now?" Minho asked, his hand going to his head.

He watched as the girl looked around her, then back to him. She gave a slight nod and walked over to the lever, gently pulling it in hopes to allow the boys to grab onto the floor to untie themselves. A firm hand on the girl's shoulder startled her and she stopped, shaking at the touch. She turned around to see Jorge.

"What are you doing, hija?" He signed with anger. "Are you insane?"

She looked at Newt then back to Jorge alarmed. "They know the Right Arm,"

Jorge stopped and turned to the boys. He got close to Newt's face and quietly muttered. "What are you trying to do with her?"

"I...I..." Newt started. The girl stepped between the two and shook her head, hands out towards Jorge. He took a step back, lifting his hand in the air which the girl mistakenly took as aggression towards her and flinched. The man put his hand down, sorrow filling his eyes.

"Is this true, hermano? You know of the Right Arm?" Jorge spoke, looking up to Newt. It was Thomas who answered.

"There in the mountains. We can bring you to them if you just let us go."

Jorge sighed and gestured for [Y/N] to move. "Go to Brenda. Tell her to pack." The group watched as she nodded and then walked out.

"We have to move soon. I'm not sure how long they will be there, but I know where they are-" Thomas spoke. Another man came into the room.

"You alright here Jorge?" He glanced over at the group.

"Yeah, just getting acquainted with my new friends," His smile dropped. "We're done now."

• • • • •

"Pack your things," [Y/N] signed to Brenda. The girl gave her a funny look.

"What are you talking about?" She scoffed. She placed her fingers on her forehead, then down to make the letter Y. "Why?"

"We are going to the mountains," She responded, grabbing her own bag. She placed her few items she had inside of them, placing her locket around her neck. Jorge had come in and Brenda had begun to speak to him.

"Do you really want to leave this place? Leave everything you built?" She shouted. [Y/N] stopped packing to read their lips.

"We have nothing left for us here. We'll be killed if we stay any longer. I'd much rather risk it going to the Right Arm!" He too began to pack his things.

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