What the Other Gladers Think

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Newt: "They are so cute together! I'm so happy Tommy found someone. He definitely needed someone, and [Y/N] was perfect for him!"

Minho: "Oh my god. Don't even start with them! That's all Thomas talks about when he's in the Maze. [Y/N] this. [Y/N] that. UGH!"

Gally: "Wait...that slinthead has a girl?" *bursts out in laughter*

Thomas: "Two words: So cute! They match each other perfectly!"

Minho: "I'm so happy [Y/N] is not a Runner. No offense, but I don't want to hear about Newt 24/7."

Alby: "There a cute couple. Now stop bugging me about a relationship between Newt and [Y/N] and get back to work!"

Thomas: "Mr. Sass is a lot less sassy. [Y/N] can really calm him down."

Newt: "Minho is a lot calmer and quieter when she's around. And I don't think [Y/N] should be a Track-hoe! I MEAN, I DON'T WANR TO HEAR ABOUT MINHO EVERY SINGLE DAY!"

Chuck: "Eh...they're not my favorite OTP..."

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