(Finally arriving at school )

I walked thru the double doors so I had some time to kill I took it upon myself to walk down the empty halls seeing kids  here and there and caught a glimpse at the set up it was a pretty huge school the hall still shining from the fresh buff and halls seemed like the walk was forever. So many colors on the walls but the main theme was blue,red and black passing the time I glimpsed at my phone 8:20am still having Time but I wasn't in the mood to talk to no one or make conversations to be honest I'm never in the mood to talk to  anybody I like doing things by myself staying secluded and in my own space doing my own thing. I don't know why I'm like that I just am I'm shy I guess you could say that's how it's always been what's the need in changing it not like I cause anyone trouble. I passed a huge glass case filled with different trophy's and awards and pictures of a group of people celebrating a win and others in the middle of a game in action I had felt a small wave of sadness go through my body because I  know this will  sound corny but I wish that I was cool and "in" and could do any sports be outgoing social because man I don't know I just I wish I had that thing . I shook the dumb feelings and pushed the stupid thought  into the back of my head heading to my first class (Advanced Tec World History Eco) Seeing the halls slowly filling  up with kids and I witnessed some couples devouring  each others faces and touching all other each other one couple intense enough to the point where a teacher had to shoow the couple off each other to class  I rolled my eyes at the site thinking about how gushy people could be and how annoying it was walking into the class seeing the class almost full but there was a seat right in the back so I had my eyes on that one making my way to the back sitting down into the low seat observing the rather dem class watching a few more kids making it into the room the bell finally rang and the teacher who was a old white lady wearing a dark blue blows and some black slack introducing herself and ect. I soon grabbed my bag pulling out a huge black nike hoodie slipping it over my head to hide my headphones sitting back pretending to listen to the lecture the lady was giving I took a deep breath in deep in thought I was in a down  mood because I'm not sure i know because I missed my hometown my old friends I had to leave behind my parents . How we always seem to not be able to catch a brake with the bills my mom working herself to death my dad not even being in the house most of the time due to work as well and all his many projects he has I had a lot on my mind and I couldn't tell anyone because I don't know anyone here and it's only been a month in that just made me feel even worse .Id been so deep in my own worries I didn't even hear when the teacher called my name till a random kid tapped my signaling me the teachers way.
  "I-I'm sorry what" I said barley above. Whisper
" are you Bambii Miller sweetie" She asked curious
"Yea yes ma'am"  I nodded apologizing for not hearing her she continued with roll call  introduction a new project we had coming up before proceeding the regular lesson I leaned back in my seat day dreaming and thinking of the kids from earlier eating each other's faces off. " I wonder if someone's ever beeen into me ?Am I ugly or something ?" I constantly question my appearance and how people saw me in their eyes because I mean I don't think I'm terrible looking  but no ones a ever just was like "damn Bambiiii you look like a whole snack ."not that I'm looking for that or anything I mean my mom  calls me handsome but I mean come on she's my mom she's suppose to say stuff like that so it Doesn't count  I mean I'm not looking for someone  like that I'd just man I don't know I'm stupid I have bigger things I need to focus on like getting nothing but A's and find a job to start pulling my weight To help hopefully I'm Good enough to get a scholarship or something so I had my mind set for  how this school year is going to turn out hard work and lots and dedication to my studies no time for petty affairs ...?????

" well Bam you have a lot of work cut out for you " I thought to myself turning my music to full blast diving into some homework and prep panning on papers to be due.

(Four periods later)

The bell had finally rang I was in my last period (advanced cp literature) letting all the kids pass me by waiting for the class to become empty as soon as the last person left I had made my way out before I heard a soft voice calling my name I turned around to see the teacher letting up from her seat making her way toward me , which made me nervous "what have I done I don't even speak in this damn class" I thought to my self heart bounding as she was finally in front of me giving me a warm smile. "Hello Mr.miller may I have a word with you before you leave please?" I was hesitate but nodded slowly following her back into the room .she sat down at her desk gesturing me to grab a seat so I did sliding the chair near her desk taking a seat. " Now Mr. Miller I know this is sudden but please know you're not in any trouble I assure you so relax for me." I nodded still in confusion to why I was here then ." Well let me just get straight to the point I have been keeping a small eye out on you and I just wanted to say you are one of the most responsible and respectful young man I have ever met no problems what so ever but you're very quite even when I've assigned group projects or papers you always still manage to do them alone witch isn't a problem but someone with your knowledge and well managed should be more social you're young and hell you're not getting any younger go out and be a little bit more ya know out there I guess ". I didn't respond to her well honestly she had me at a lost to why I was still here did she really pull me to the said to tell me I was antisocial that was kinda rude but I guess it was firm and fair . Silence entered the room only for a moment before she spoke back up "Do you have any friends .?" I paused then slowly shaking my head no in responds to her question. " awwww well maybe that could be a start maybe ."
"I-I umm well thank you for the concern you have but I think I'm fine miss." I told her In a soft voice , she cocked her head to the side letting out a big sigh. " well Mr.Miller I know you're probably  thinking what the hell I'd this lady even talking about but I'm just here to say if you ever need someone to talk to you can always come to me you just look more down then usual and I thought I could be of some help if you needed it that's all." I don't know why but her words made me feel some type of way not angry or anything but it made me feel good that someone was actually concerned about me besides my mom so I looked up at her giving her a weak smile she noticed I took consideration of her words a grin slowly forming on her face exposing all her pearly whites
"Did you know that you are one of few of students with the highest GPA and I looked back on you history on your past SAT's and your scores were just excellent Mr.miller" she sounded so enthusiastic about it  I broke out a small giggle. "Ahhhh I knew there was a little personality in there " she said laughing then she grabbed my hand
" now let me stop beating around the bush Mr.miller I have a huge favor to ask of you and I hope your willing to consider my offer." I frowned at the words not knowing what she was taking about till she spoke again " we have an outside after school program that the teachers and councils came up with to you know help other students at least the behinds seniors and some juniors in need and we are desperately short due to some teachers leaving and the. Kids that are already in the program are getting ready to graduate and go away to college leaving us short so what im saying is would you consider coming into the meeting and just hearing about it .?" I shook my head quickly refusing trying to get up to leave but she grabbed my shoulder and I looked back at her begging me to stay " please please Mr.Miller it would mean a lot you don't even have to join I would just like you to at least attend to see what it's about please I know it's a lot to ask of your time but the benefits are very rewarding I promise just please sit down and hear me out" I looked at her for a long time and finally sat down slowly to hear what she had to say. Her face filmed with joy sitting back down explain how the program worked and what's to be expected and ect . I was still hesitant about the whole thing different scenarios playing out in my head . She had finally finished explaining looking up at me for a final answer "so would you come.?" I didn't answer right away then I took in a deep breath
" I don't know I'm not social and it seems like a lot to do " I finally managed to say looking back up at her she'd look like I just gave her the worst news but then she finally stood up slowly shaking her head in defeat grabbing a sticky note and scribbling something in it handing it to me . " well I'm not going to force to do anything you don't want to do but here if you change your mind." She gave me the sticky note I opened it reading

(Meeting in library @7:30am)

I looked at it then back at her and gave her a fainted smile
"I'll think about it " I said smiling slowly causing her to beak out in a smile as well
" thank you so much and hey remember if you anyone to talk to I'm always here " she gave me a quick wink before leading me out her classroom as I left I looked back reading her name

( I know this was kinda long but please tell me what you think )

Secret lining  (boyxboxy) (bdsm) (interracial couple)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang