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They all escaped from the boring detention room and go to amusement park.

While they're playing in the arcade, y/n hear the some noise familiar to her


" Haha I guess today we will have a feast meals *smirk* I got the sweet smell from them " one guy said and others laughed

" They all look delicious especially that one guy, that guy is special huh *smirk* " y/n can heard voices from invisible places

" Y/n, are you okay? " Wendy asked.

Wendy and Seulgi have been pay attention so much on their shooting games that they didn't realize any noises.

Even they did pay attention, they wouldn't hear them because those are some strong vampires.

" Yup, I will go to the bathroom for awhile " y/n said to her friends and comes out from the arcade

" You.. follow me " y/n said from her mind

" What was that? Who the heck is disturbing us telepathically? No one can see or hear us " that vampire said frustratedly

" Well obviously me, If you wonder who the fuck is me, come and see yourself *smirk* " Y/n smirked to herself and walked to somewhere

When y/n arrived some abandoned valley, she turned around to see group of vampires. A guy who's looking arrogant with 8 vampires following him

" Who the fuck are you to call me here? If you're vampire, you should probably already know me. I'm the only son of vampire who's trustworthy right hand of the vampire queen " their leader said and y/n looks amused at him

" Me? Should know you? No. You should know me " Y/n said

" How Dare You Trying To Make Messes In My Territory's? " Y/n said with her Vampire Voice

" I Can Let It Go That You Don't Recognize Me Because You All Are Just The Youngsters Who Are New To This Mortal World "

" BUT " this time Y/n use the Dominant Command Order(Royal Command) voice

" YOU DARE TO THINK ABOUT HURTING MY GUESTS? " Y/n shows her bloody red eyes which's represents of the Royal Vampires Family to them

" P-Princess?! I am sorry! I didn't recognize you and try hurt your guests! Please forgive me! " All of them fell on the ground and bowing at y/n


" Ah, also tell others to never come into my territory at least they're wish to meet their death " y/n said and turned around to walked away

When she arrived back to her friends,

" Y/n!! Where did you go!? I went to find you in bathroom because you're taking too long but you weren't there, we were so worried. And now is suddenly raining " Seulgi said worriedly

" Oh! I'm.. forgot the way back and you see, also I forgot to bring my umbrella to there *nervous laugh* " y/n lied

" anyway! should we go eat something? I'm hungry. I know the good restaurant! Let's go! " y/n takes her umbrella from her friends and changed the topic

Y/n walked away first, trying to avoid their attentions

" Taehyung, you should control your face. I know you're worried about her but it's all written on your face. Umm, and it's snso obvious " Jimin said and patted his shoulder

And others chuckled at him

Both guys and girls are already shipping y/n and Taehyung together

" Y/n~ you should wait for Taehyung~ He don't have any umbrella and he said he don't want to walk alone~ " Jin said teasedly

" Hyung- " Taehyung about to protect

Y/n turned around to see all of her friends are in pair to share umbrella and only Taehyung is alone, without umbrella

She blushed and walked towards to Taehyung and handed him umbrella since she's shorter than him, she couldn't hold the umbrella for them

" Guys let's go quickly, I'm hungry " Namjoon said to intendedly left y/n and Taehyung alone at behind

" Let's.. go? " Taehyung said nervously and y/n nodded

" Uhh- " Both of them said at the same time

" You go first " again, both of them said and they're break into laughter

" you go first, lady " Taehyung said, now there's less awkward and nervous between them after laughs

While they two are talking and chatting happily, they're didn't realize others are watching and chuckling at them

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