8 | "Do I like her?"

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"What is your true intention?"

"What is your true intention?"

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Narrator's POV

We are here in the restaurant after shopping around in the mall for hours. I honestly couldn't really concentrated on anything today. I keep on getting these feeling that someone is following us, more like... following me. "Y/N?? Are you alright?" Wendy tapped my shoulder to get my attention. "Hmm? Yeah, of course. I'm just tired a bit. That's all" I smiled reassuringly at her but as soon as she turned away my smile dropped. I can't help but think of this unpleasant feeling which I have all day long. Who could possibly be targeting me. What is your true intention? Is it my blood? Tell me who are you? I let out a rather loud sigh unexpectedly

"Y/N? Y/N!!" With her loud mouth and voice, Seulgi shouted to get my attention. I didn't hear her the first time because I was lost in my own busy thoughts. "Ssssssshhhh Remember? We are in the restaurant. People will look at us like we're crazy if you continue to screaming like that!" I quickly covered her mouth with my hand from the back and whisper yelled in her ear. I released her mouth when she put up 'okay' sign with her hand in defeat

"So, what were you thinking about? You didn't even hear me calling your name multiple times" Seulgi raised her eyebrows and look suspiciously at me. "Nothing. Just finish up your food quickly! And let's go. I'm so tired " I shrugged off, hoping they wouldn't notice through my lie "Oh gosh..Are you sure you're okay? You were literally just saying you're only a little bit tired a while ago but now suddenly you're SOO tired?" Seulgi prolonged the 'SOO' sarcastically, making her point of how I'm not paying attention to this hangout "Yes. So eat up quickly" I returned the same sarcastic smile to her and we all burst laughing after a moment

Taehyung's POV

"Ya! let's go home already~ I'm so tired~" Jimin is now whining like a 5 y.o kid behind me with his small tiny footsteps "Come on. I still have to buy something" I told him without much thought while watching Y/N from afar. I am definitely not stalking her. "Seriously? You've been saying the same thing you did 3 hours ago and you haven't even buy a single thing yet!" Jimin scoffed with sassy eye roll "Yes, yes. I know. I promise I will buy it" I patted his shoulder in attempt to comfort and make him fall in my plan Why are they shopping for so long?! I mentally screamed at myself when Y/N and her friends came out of a store just to go back into another one.

"Oh Really? I thought you're not going to buy at all cause you busy stalking Y/N?" Jimin crossed his arm on his chest with disapproval expression. My eyes widened in panic like I got caught red handed. I quickly turned to look at him in shock and surprise. "W-What?? Nonsense! What are you saying. I'm stalking Y/N?! NO WAY~ I am just, I just noticed her and her friends coincidentally! Yes" I didn't want to admit or let him think of me as some creep. My bro is definitely going hold this against me to use in future if I admit it here. how did he even know?!?!

"Don't even start with that terrible lie, I knew it all. I asked you if you want to skip the school with me this morning and you declined it at first, then suddenly you were all energetic to do so after you saw Y/N skipping the school. You only came to this shopping mall cause Y/N and her friends are. You think I don't know the fact that you are not interest in physical shopping at all? You've been walking around the mall for hours without buying anything, didn't even look or touch. Also, the fact you were going into Female clothing stores for so many time without even noticing the weird glances that are thrown at your direction? Lastly. You are sitting here and not paying attention to what I'm talking while just staring off to somewhere. And Oh, What is that somewhere? Oh my~ that somewhere happened to be Y/N! Wow what a coincidence, yeah" Jimin went off about how I have been the whole day and exposing my act with a scoff. If other see this, they will definitely think we are having lover's quarrel.

"Oh wow. I didn't realize that you can be this smart" he left me speechless and this comment of mine earned me a slap on my back from him. "So. Let's go back?" He asked with a defeated sigh and I shake my head not wanting to go back home yet "Not yet, I still want to know more about her. It's not like I have bad intentions or bothering her" I let out a little sigh. I really just wanted to know what is she like outside of the school. "Do you like her?" Jimin suddenly asked with a serious expression which caught me off guarded. Do I Like Her?

"..maybe.. yes?" I don't know how to describe my feelings yet. But one thing I'm certain of is, I want to get to know her more and that she has all my attention. "Alright. Okay. I guess I will just go home by myself. Good luck on your spying" Jimin gave me a little cheer up pat on my back and left the mall. "Do I like her?" I mumbled to myself. Now I'm confused. I don't know how to feel about this.

Jimin's POV

Would you still going to like her even after you finds out the truth? I guess fate is not something you can deny. Since you're born to be that way..

Behind The Glasses

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