7 | We are doomed..

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"Y/N! RUNNN!!!"

"Y/N! RUNNN!!!"

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"Ayy~ that's my girl! let's skip the school today since I'm feeling good so I will treat you two something" Seulgi high-five me with proud but at the same time silly grin on her face. I know she is up to no good at all with her little silly smile that she has on her face right now. She pull and hugged me from the side, resting her chin on my shoulder "Sure why not" a smirk spread on my face which Seulgi returned the same one which is mirroring mine

"Guys I don't think it is a good idea. What if Ms. Lee caught us and give us detention?" Wendy said I look at her in disbelief, furrowing my eyebrows frowning at her "C'mon unnie, are you really going to still staying like this? Study? This is not the first time you have studied these materials. We all had already went to school for so many years before prior and learn these countless time plus you already knew all the answers for the examinations too- " honestly I've already went to high school, college and work before I repeat them again to make a change of environment and face so people don't realize my forever existence.

Wendy panicked afraid other might hear us so she quickly covered my mouth with her hand "Do you want to get caught that we are vampires?! Fine! I will go with you guys but I will not be paying for anything" she whisper yelled at me and I nodded to show her 'I get it' she slowly retreated her hand from my mouth and lowering it down suspiciously "Well, that's good! Let's go!" Seulgi exclaimed happily and cheerily walking out from the cafeteria with us following her not so far away off behind

"Guys how are we even going to sneak out from the school? You know that there are security cameras at every corners and turns at school" Wendy worriedly stated her concerns and Seulgi just look at Wendy with disbelief almost as if pitiful look at how inexperienced Wendy was "Heol.." Seulgi let out a sigh shaking her head as she mouthed out 'unbelievable' in silent murmur. "Don't worry Wendy, we already got a plan. Aren't we, Seulgi?" I titled my head nodding toward the direction of Seulgi to Wendy "Oh definitely" we looked at each other in the eyes smirks at how incredible our ideas are "Oh god, now I am going to regret myself for coming along with them" Wendy facepalmed herself knowing her two friends are up to no good, who are they to underestimate with? They are the most silly evil troublemakers, combined those two is the worst duo u can ever get


"Seulgi! Y/n! Are you sure??" Wendy cried out for help while other two watches the older one, who is currently on top of the school wall, cowering in her fear to jump down from such a height. "Just jump, will you? We've been waiting here about 30 whole minutes for you to make a decision about jumping down while we both did it in just a few seconds" Y/N frowns her face from the sunlight looking up at Wendy. " Oh my god.. Y/N! We are doomed.." Seulgi gasps at something behind me while tapping me slightly hitting rapidly "What do you mean-?  UNNIE! JUST JUMP DOWN! FAST!!! THERE IS THE SECURITY GUARD RUNNING TOWARD US!" we all are now panicking out from the trill of getting caught.

I looked around and see no one else is around so I used my power to get Wendy down "Pheww" I let out a sigh before I quickly was dragged off by someone, almost tripping myself  "It's not time for you to sigh Y/N! RUNNN!!!" Seulgi is running while dragging Wendy and I in each of her arms. We stopped running to catch a breath a few minutes later, gasping for the air while we looked at each other. We burst out laughing when we saw our messy hair and faces.

"HAHAHAHA!!! That was so funny! We should do that often!" Wendy is laughing of the trills at the thought of we did something we shouldn't do. "Told ya" I smirked at her with smug 'didn't-I-told-you' face "So! Should we roll now?" Seulgi smirks wiggling her brows in mischievous expression "Of course! I am coming to you mall!!!" Wendy and I answered enthusiastically and we threw walked off toward the shopping mall skipping our steps in happiness. We chuckled at our childish behaviors


Taehyung's POV

I looked over at Y/N's table as I saw they got up and went out of the cafeteria "What are you looking at? Are you not going to eat?" JHope turned to look at the direction where I was gazing off "No, I'm already full. I'm gonna go now. Don't look for me, I am skipping next class" I quickly get up, grabbing my cross bag with me and headed to the school rooftop. I leaned over the railing, taking in the fresh air and peaceful sight when I saw Y/N and her friends.

"What the, what are they doing? Skipping school?" they were climbing the school wall to what was looks like to skip school. I was amused once again by her unexpected appearance in front of me, I smirk in amazement and continuous to watch them. I saw one of Y/N's friend was struggling with jumping down and saw Y/N's slightly annoyed face. I chuckled at her reaction, it was so cute she was pouting

"Cute-" I smiled to myself when someone interrupted my thought "What is?" Jimin suddenly popped out from behind my shoulder, whispered into my left ear leaving me shivers "What? Nothing" I quickly regained my posture gulping as I turned to him

"Wait why are you here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in the class?" I raised my eyebrows in doubtful look "Yea I was supposed to be in one, but no more. I'm gonna skip the school. Wanna join?" He shrugged off like it's nothing important while talking about skipping school. "Nah I'm gonna just stay here-" but I suddenly remembered something and smirked at the brilliant idea I just thought

I turned to look at him and smiled at Jimin "Sure. Why not!? Let's go skip the school" I put my hand around his shoulder. His height is perfect for my arm rest. "I thought you were gonna say no?" he furrowed his brows confused "Nah, of course yes duh" I said while head-locking him "Then, why?! Why you have to headlock me?! I-I c-can't b b-breath" he tapped my arm in defeat and I unlocked him "Let's go!" I said with a smirk.

I've got a plan, that is why I agreed him. I am going to follow them, Y/N.

Behind The Glasses

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