(4) Lunch with the Enemy

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Jack's POV

We had only been sleeping together for two days when we almost got caught. We were all watching a film in Andy's room, when I got a bit horny. As discretely as I could, I gestured for Rye to follow me out and headed to his room. Five minutes later I heard him whisper shouting me from the landing.


I grabbed him by his shirt, dragging him into his own room before slamming my lips to his once the door was closed. He seemed to work out my problem when he smirked, flipping us over and pinning me to the wall.

"A bit worked up are ya?" He teased, slowly grinding himself against me.

I let out a low moan, growling at the stupid smirk sat on his pretty pink lips.

"Shut up and fuck me." I growled. He wasted no time throwing me down onto the bed and crawling on top of me. Soon enough, we were both undressed, making out sloppily.

Maybe it was a good thing Brook decided to walk in before anything happened, but I certainly didn't think so at the time.

Just as Rye reached down to pull off my boxers, there was a knock on the door.

"Rye? Have you seen Jack? Why did you leave?" Brook called from the other side of the door.

"Shit, hide!" Rye hissed.

I quickly shot up, running towards his wardrobe, shutting the door just as Brook entered the room.

"Who were you talking to?" He asked.

"No one." Rye answered nervously.

I peeped out through the small crack in the door and saw Brook raising his eyebrow suspiciously at Rye.

"Okay then. Why did you leave?"

"I was tired." He lied, faking a yawn for emphasis.

"Alright, where's Jack?"

"Haven't seen him." He lied again.

"Well, he isn't in his room so I'm gonna go look for him. Give us a hoodie."

Rye shot up, standing in front of his wardrobe before Brook could open it.

"Y-you can't go in there."

"And why is that?" Brook questioned expectantly.

"I, uh, have your birthday present hidden in there."

"Really?" He asked, a weird tone in his voice. I assumed he didn't fully believe Rye, but he was excited and hoped it was true.

"Yeah, so go borrow one of Sonny's hoodies or something." Rye told him, shooing him away.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh once I knew Brook had left.

"It's not funny." Rye glared, sitting down on his bed. "He could have fucking caught you."

"Yeah, but he didn't though. Did he?" I purred, crawling on his lap and attaching my lips to his neck.

"It's too risky here. We need to get away for a bit."

"We have all the time when the boys are performing on tour." I said, scowling when I remembered how Blair had banned us from singing.

"But that's too far away. I want you now." He grinned.

I smiled slightly, moving so I was sat beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Fine, why don't we book a hotel room for a couple of nights?"

He shook his head. "Nah, they can easily work out where we are. Why don't we go away for a short while? Tell the boys we're visiting our families or something?"

"We can't yet. We've got too many covers and stuff to film. Why don't we get a hotel room for the next few nights, then maybe go away when we're not as busy?" I suggested, desperately wanting to go away with him but knowing we can't just yet.

He sighed, reluctantly giving in. "Fine."

I smiled, pulling him into a kiss.

"Great. Now let's go get some food. I'm starving."


We ended up back in Nando's. I had to let Brook know where I was first though. He was still paranoid that I had gone missing or something. When I finally walked up to him about ten minutes after leaving Rye's room, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Don't you ever leave me again." He scolded. I smiled in awe.

"I only went to ASDA. Don't worry your cute little head about it Brookie." I chuckled, making him blush.

"M'not cute." He mumbled.

"Course you are." I cooed, pinching his cheeks.

Anyway, me and Rye were sat in the far corner, worried someone we know would walk in and catch us together. But once we were laughing and feeding each other chips, all our worries disappeared.

It felt like a date, which was a bit weird. But, I knew it wasn't since we both still hated each other.

"What do you think would happen if any of the boys found out about us?" He asked out of the blue.

I shrugged, chucking another chip at his face. "Probably be confused since we're enemies."

He laughed, nodding in agreement. "True. You do still hate me, right?"

"Worried I'd have fallen for you?" I teased.

"Shut it, you know I didn't mean that." He rolled his eyes playfully.

I grabbed his hand across the table and looked into his eyes.

"I'll hate you as long as you hate me."

He laughed, pulling his hand back.

"Well, I do hate you."

"I guess that settles it then." I giggled, eating another chip.

Authors note -
Yeah, I know this was short, but I needed to update.

Bye peasants x

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