(1) Hugging the Enemy

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Smut warning - the first half of this book contains a lot of smut jsyk


Jack and Rye had hated each other from the moment Jack made it in the band. No one knew why. All they know is that the two boys were constantly at each others throats, fighting and arguing all the time. It was getting to the point where it was affecting the band, and the other boys were getting tired of it. But there wasn't anything they could do. The two brunettes had to work it out themselves.


Rye's POV

"Watch it Beaumont!" Jack spat, shoving past me in the hallway. I grabbed him arm, spinning him around and punching him straight in the face.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?"

He didn't answer, instead returning my punch with one in the stomach. I doubled over in pain, allowing him to get a few kicks to my shins in before I stood back up and shoved him over. I began kicking him in the sides before I was dragged away by Andy.

"What the fuck boys?! What did we say about fighting?" He screamed.

"He started it!" I hissed as Jack stood back up.

"I don't fucking care who started it. I'm ending it. Now go and clean yourselves up. Rye, use my bathroom. Jack, use Sonny's."

"Sure thing." Jack smirked, shoving past me again to walk to the bathroom. I went to retaliate, but Andy's harsh glare made me realise I shouldn't.

I knew how hard it is on the boys when me and Jack fight, but I couldn't help it. He annoyed me, and I didn't know why. I just couldn't stand being around him, and I knew he felt the exact same way.

Once I had cleared my face up, I heard Andy calling us all to the kitchen. I made my way in and took a seat at the island. Soon enough, Sonny and Brook had joined us and we were all waiting for Jack.

"Where is he?" Andy frowned.

"Want me to go find him?" I asked.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Sonny questioned.

Andy shrugged. "Sure, Rye. But no fighting, I swear to god."

"We won't!" I assured, holding my hands up in surrender. I quickly made my way upstairs, heading into Sonny's bathroom. Jack was stood at the mirror, applying some make up to his bruised face.


He turned around, eyes wide as if he had just been caught doing the worst thing imaginable.

"What do you want Ryan?" He glared.

"I was coming to get you. Andy needs us in the kitchen. I didn't realise you'd be doing...." I trailed off, not really sure if he was comfortable talking about it.

"Make up? I was trying to cover up the bruises you left on my face so that the boys don't get suspicious. Sorry the idea of a boy wearing make up disgusts you so much." He spat, walking past me out of the door, pushing me into the wall in the process. I shook my head, following him downstairs.

"Right, you guys finally ready now?" Andy exclaimed.

"Yeah, Sorry Fovvs." I chuckled, glancing at Jack. I frowned when I saw him looking down, practically on the verge of tears.

"Jack, you okay mate?" Brook asked him.

"Yeah." He muttered, pulling up his hood to hide his face.

Sonny raised an eyebrow at me, but I just shrugged. Even I didn't know what was up with Jack, which was strange because I was usually the reason.


After spending half an afternoon at the studio, recording some covers, we decided to head to Nando's for some food. Me and Brook slid into the booth while the other three went and ordered.

"Hey, Rye?" I heard Brook all but whisper.


"Do you think you and Jack will ever get along?" He questioned.

I shrugged. "I doubt it. He's a dick."

He looked down, obviously not satisfied with my answer.

"Hey, talk to me. There's obviously something up with you, and I wanna help."

He sighed before looking up at me, smiling and shaking his head.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

I raised an eyebrow at him, but he ignored me, grabbing his food as soon as Sonny placed it down on the table.

The meal was silent, but it wasn't awkward nor comfortable. It was a type of silence where nobody really knew what to say. Brook was stuffing his face, avoiding my gaze. Jack was barely touching his food, still avoiding eye contact with anyone. Andy and Sonny were quietly whispering amongst themselves, as to not disrupt any tension we had between us.

After a short while, I had enough. I stood up abruptly, grabbing Jacks arm and dragging him to the toilets.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked once we were alone.

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"You've been acting strange ever since we left the house this morning. Is it because of what happened in the bathroom?"

I took his silence as a yes and let out a deep sigh.

"Jack, you don't need to be embarrassed. I don't have a problem with you wearing make up."

He looked up, searching my face for any sign of humour.


I nodded. "That isn't the reason I hate you. You've got far worse qualities than wearing make up."

He laughed. "I guess this would've been weird if you didn't insult me at least once."

I chuckled, pulling him into a hug, shocking myself. Why the fuck did I do that?

"Um, what are you doing?" He asked awkwardly.

"Uh, I just thought you could use a hug?"

"Hmm, I guess I could." He sighed, wrapping his arms around me. We stayed there for a few minutes before we heard the door open. We pulled apart quickly, and in the heat of the moment, I punched him in the face.

"God dammit. Guys, why are you fighting again? Can't we have one meal together without you two ripping each other's heads off?" Andy complained.

"You're right. We're sorry Fovvs." I said apologetically.

"Go back to the boys. I need a piss."

I turned to Jack once Andy was in the cubicle.

"Good save." He laughed.


"That changes nothing, remember that." He stated, referring to the hug.

"Oh, of course not. You just needed some comforting. We're still mortal enemies."

He chuckled, opening the door and leaving the toilets.

"What was that about?" Andy asked, walking over to the sinks.


"You said he needed comforting. What happened? Did you kiss?"

"Ew, god no. Andy, it's nothing. Nothing happened. I hate that guy. He hates me."

He nodded, following me as I made my way back to the boys.

Authors Note -
Is it any surprise that I've started a new book? I know this is such an unoriginal idea, but I like this plot so who cares? I don't know how often I'm gonna update this, but ah well.

Bye peasants x

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