Episode Twenty-Eight: 51st Avenue

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"I'm going to lose my job..." Mirage Dragonscale repeated this over and over while holding the white blanket over her chest. The Lieutenant wasn't in her home, but instead in her Captain's bed. You can most likely predict what transpired there. The soldier was shivering in fear. If word got out that she had been fornicating with Captain Matthew Arc-Turner, both of them would lose their job. And neither would want to even speak to each other afterwards, so she'd lose her lover as well.

Mirage jumped when she heard the door open and spotted her Captain in a red bathrobe, holding a plate with a croissant, bacon strips, and mixed fruit. He handed the plate to her and sat down next to her, before kissing her cheek, "You look like you've rested well, madame."

"Oui..." The brunette took the baguette and was about to eat it, but sniffed it instead, alarming her Captain.

"What's the matter?" Matthew sat next to her, smirking.

"Well, Matthew it's just that...the last baguette I saw before this one was seconds away from being stuffed up my-!"

The Captain cut her off, making her eat the bread anyway, "But Mirage, I thought you enjoyed that foreplay."

The Lieutenant removed the piece of bread from her mouth, chomping on it softly, "I never said I didn't. I just prefer actual chocolate over the alternative..." She sighed, staring at the food as it could answer the world's most difficult questions.

Matthew noticed how quiet she was and slid the back of his hand against her face, "What seems to be the issue, Mira?"

Mirage blushed at the nickname, "It's just..." She peered up at him, "What if someone finds out about us? What if I cost you your job and you hate me forever!?" She held her head, shaking it back and forth, "It tugs at me every time we're together, on and off the field..."

Arc-Turner watched her for a moment, then slid his hand behind her back, massaging her shoulder-blades, "Écoute moi – listen to me. Whatever hardship comes our way, we will find a way through it. If we somehow are found out and lose our jobs, I will still support you every step of the way..."

Dragonscale considered his oak-colored eyes, knowing his words were genuine, "You promise me that, Matthew?"

He nods, then leans in for a kiss, "I'm afraid you'll be putting up with me for a very long time..."


"Is this is a fucking joke!?" Christina Morning Dew held her hips, staring at Acerius Olsen with raging, violet eyes. Her upper-body was covered in bandages and she was resting against a wooden crutch, "You mean to tell me that we're just going to sit on our assess while God-knows-what is happening to Shadow!?"

The Grandmaster held the bridge of his nose, his own chest wrapped in white, "It's not that simple, Crimson. Rescuing you and Luna was already an ordeal. Running headfirst into the City Square – if that's even where he is right now – is suicidal. We can't risk losing any more warriors."

Crimson clenched her fist, "Warrior? You mean that creep Zaru?"

Emilee Venice was adjusting some parts inside Luna's left arm, the android resting against the dining room table, "Zaru wasn't the best person ethically, but he was still a viable part of the United Arms. Losing him means we need to regroup and think of a plan."

"Plan? There doesn't need to be a damn plan!" He held the side of her head, "You bastards always act like big warriors when anyone on your team needs it, but when you're off the clock, it's irrelevant what happens to others, right?"

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