23 mini chapter

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Let's jump two more years forward.

Ben is twenty years old he just proposed to his girlfriend In their freshman year of college one year ago finally got married. Emma and Maya were bridesmaids. Anastasia was a flower girl.

Beck graduated a year ago. He is nineteen now fully working at the Black Spades.
Alexis, Emma, Maya, Jordan, Erica, Jack, Hunter, and Miguel finally graduated high school. Erica changed her ways and became closer with the others. Jack even let his feelings for Alexis go and dumped Juliette.

Anastasia is fourteen and Jason is now twelve. Phoenix is now seventeen. Mike and Pheobe did adopt a fourteen year old boy. His name is Calum.

Miguel and Hunter got accepted into Yale. Jack got into Princeton. Erica got into NYU. Jordan got into Julieard. Maya decided to study abroad for a semester then go to the university of Michigan. Alexis, Emma, and Beck decided against college for a year then decide. Beck even hired his friend Parker to come and be apart of the Black Spades. Which him and Emma seem to really like each other. Miracle is now three years old. Alexis convinced her parents to homeschool her. She finally came clean to Leah. Not Joey for his safety. Leah was hesitant but agreed to partner up with the Black Spades because they actually did improve on not doing illegal bad stuff. Like yeah they have a few underground stuff that Leah doesn't know about but that's normal.

Beck and Alexis are still going strong. Yes they have their spats but they always have compromise and love that defeats anything. Back to the present.

The gang is sitting at Cuppys. "Who knows when we all will see each other next?" Jordan asks. Alexis, Emma, and Beck kept quiet. Actually everyone did. "Oh Jordan," she said getting everyone's attention. "I know you don't have a dorm or a apartment yet. My mom will let us live in her nana's my great grandmothers apartment. I mean if you want too?" She offered. Jordan smiled "I would love that." They hugged. Everyone smiled at them two. Soon everyone had to go and pack besides the Black Spades Trio. "Who said life was gonna be this way?" Emma asked. The couple shrugged. "Maybe we should move to new york." Beck offered. The two girls looked at him. "The three of us. I mean we could easily get a apartment with our money from Spades." The girls kept looking at him. He looked like he was cooking up something. "Emma remember your dad had a apartment across from Monica's building?" He asked. Emma and Alexis nodded recalling the story. "Well I believe we own that building and if we want it. That's ours." He showed them the text. "No way." Alexis and Emma said in sync. Beck nodded proudly. They tackled him in a hug. "I may have already furnished and decorated it." Beck said too showing them pictures. The girls loved it. "The smell of monkey from our records took a long time to get out." He said weirdly. Emma and Alexis smiled thinking of Ross's Marcel. "This is gonna be amazing." Alexis smiled widely. "I have to tell my parents." Emma said. She ran to hug her best friends then left quicky. She hopped into her porsh. It was originally her grandfathers then her aunt Monica's but she gave it to Emma. Erica and Jack already had a car each. So Emma needed one so there she got one.

Alexis hugged Beck. "You are perfect." She said. "No I'm far away from perfect." He said. "There is still perfect in imperfect." She said kissing him. He kissed back. "I love you." He said. "I love you so much more." She said. "Not possible." He declared. "Shut up." She whispered kissing him again.

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