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The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I walked out to the kitchen with a phone in my hand. Texting the group chat "we almost kissed" text and a heart eyes emoji.
Looking up I see Joey attempting to make pancakes. "Fail." I chanted. We both knew he failed and these stacks of pancakes failed miserably. "Why don't you just head to Ross and Rachel's for breakfast while I clean this up?" I nodded. Jogging up the stairs I changed to some jeans and a plain black shirt. I cleaned myself up and put on my only paid of shoes. Which are black and white vans. Pretty dirty I should clean them.

"On my way. Call them tell them I'm going over." I yelled to Joey. Walking across the street next to Monica and Chandler's house is Ross and Rachel's house. I open the door and made my way to their kitchen. I sit down next to little Jason. Anastasia sits across from me. "Hey you're not Emma." Ana questions smiling. Which makes Rachel and Ross look over at us. They laughed. "No she's not. But seems like Joey made another failed breakfast." Rachel laughed. Emma made her way downstairs a minute after and we all ate breakfast together.
. . .

Soon Ben came in with Susan and Carol. "Hey Susan. Hey Carol!" Alexis hugged them. Making everyone look at her in surprise. "What they're my Godparents." Alexis stated proudly. The couple nodded proudly.  "How did I not know that?" Ben questions himself. "It's true her mother went through a terrible time. So from after breast feeding up till like 3 and a half we had her and took care of her with Ben. Her mom had to support her daughter better then what they both were in." Susan admitted. "Her mom was both of our best friend. So of course we would do anything for her. We were both there the day Alexis was born." Carol smiled. "Correction only you and Susan were there. I was an abomination to my mom's side of the family." Alexis sad a bit sad. "Again how do I not remember you?" Ben thinks aloud.

"But we told you otherwise." Carol said. Alexis hugged them both again.  "Well I should get back to Joey's. I'll see you guys later! Thanks for breakfast!" She hugged Ross and Rachel. After saying bye to Jason and Anastasia Emma tagged along with Alexis back to her house.

They headed back to Alexis house to see Jordan and Hunter about to knock. "Wassup!" Alexis greeted them jumping on Hunter's back. They all laughed. "Just want to chill with our bestie." Jordan smiled. "Alright come on the four of us can hang in my room." Alexis offered opening the door. "By the way it's always open just come on in."

They all went up the stairs. Emma and Alexis flopped on the bed and Hunter sat in the bean bag. Jordan sat in the window sill. "Want to listen to the radio?" Alexis asked them. They all nodded. So just like old times though they added Emma. They all sat around hanging out listening to Alexis's Radio player with is a Bluetooth and a CD player and radio obviously.

Occasionally they made small talk. "So this is what you guys did where you three used to live?" Emma asked.
"Yeah but normally one or all of us has some booze. And it's after 10 pm." Jordan said with a straight face.
Emma looked at them. "Are you guys serious?" She asked. "Of course Alexis could tell you some wild and some calm nights we had." Hunter winked. Emma turned to Alexis as for proof. Alexis nodded grinning. "Well we are from the hood. We walked around with pocket knifes too. Always prepared for a fight. Never walked around alone. We robbed houses. For food Because we had no money. We had to do what we had to survive. Getting drunk or high is just a bonus we have our fun." Alexis rambled scared of what Emma thought.

"What's it like? You know getting buzzed?" Emma asked. "High or drunk?" Alexis questions. "Both." She replied confidently. "Getting high is like you're there but not there. Like a virtual reality. Like you're in a virtual reality world. But you get to go more places then they let you." Alexis paused trying to explain it the best she can. "When you're drunk depends on how much you drink. One experience is you can think but barely. Plus you walk but it's not straight. Or when you get up you trip but you have just enough balance to walk. We mostly do this stuff not because others do it. But because we need our break from reality. We need our own time and peace. Even if it's only for a hour or such." Alexis tried to explain.

"Do you think someday. You know." Emma tried. "You want to do something?" Jordan asked shocked. "I want to try both actually. But I know I'll get in so much trouble if I get caught. But a break does sound good. My dad expects me to live up to high expectations without realizing it. Though I know it's from the goodness of his heart. I don't get to do much fun I'm always locked in my room studying." Emma looked down ashamed of even thinking it.

"Emma nothing is to be ashamed of. One day. Yeah four of us maybe even Erica and Jack. We'll all be here I'm sure Joey and Leah won't be here they're almost never here. And I'll be here for you. Alright?" Alexis told her.

"What if something bad happens?" Emma asked. " One time Hunter got achohol poisoning and we helped him not problem. Jordan, Hunter and I have done this multiple times before. We will help and we know what to do in bad times. If it makes you comfortable we can have one adult supervision I can persuade." Alexis offered.

"First time I got drunk Alexis persuaded my dad to supervise us and be cool without getting us in trouble. Alexis can do it." Jordan helped. Hunter nodded. "You think Uncle Chandler would be ok with being in the next room or something?" Alexis smiled. "Yeah. I think he would. But first would you like your first sip of vodka?" Emma's eyes widened.

"Relax just a sip or two won't harm you." Jordan calmed. "Look we'll show you how it's done." Hunter bragged. He opened his backpack. "I thought you said after 10pm?" Emma looked at Alexis. "After ten is when we get drunk. This is just like a morning coffee once a month." Alexis giggled. Hunter took a chug. He passed it to Jordan who took a lady like sip. She passed it to Alexis. "Bottoms up." She raised the bottle up. She put it to her lips and took a few mini chugs.

"No one will force you to take a sip. But I'll offer. Want a sip?" Alexis asked. Emma stared at the bottle. She felt nothing. She took the bottle. She looked at it. Jordan and Hunter were looking at their phones. She brought the bottle to her lips. She tilted her head back and put the liquid rush to her mouth. She automatically took the bottle away swallowing it all instantly. "That is nasty." Emma said. Her eyes all scrunched closed. "Here drink some soda." Hunter passed a Pepsi. She drank a few sips. "How do you all drink that?" She said. "It's like taking gross medicine. Like night quil." The trio looked at her laughing. "Hun take another sip." Jordan passed her the bottle back.

"What no thanks." Emma shook her head. "It's always horrible the first time you try it. You have to drink a second sip. I mean it will still be nasty but not as bad. It doesn't get bad till you're drunk as you can't drink no more." Alexis laughed.
Emma sighed and took another sip. Immediately drinking some Pepsi afterwards. "At least you guys were honest with me." Emma said.

"Let me guess." Alexis sighed. "Out of you, Erica, and Jack. You're the most innocent?" Alexis concluded. "Yep. Unfortunately. It leads me out of a lot of stuff they do." Emma sighed. "Well that will change now. Because I don't think they ever gotten drunk. I'm sure  Monica would smack them outside their heads." Emma laughed agreeing.

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