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Dad walks in. "Hey is everyone here?" He yells. Chandler walks in smiling. "Hey man what's up?" Hey bro hug. "Just found out about my secret daughter that's what." Suddenly Monica and Erica come in gasping. "Really?" Monica asks. Dad nodded handing them the letter. As they read it Erica walks up to me.

She seems to study me intensely. "What's your name?" She asks. "Alexis Sepanski." I say. "That's not what it says on your certificate?" Dad asks. Chandler and Monica rolled their eyes. "Yeah because I known you my whole life. You took care of my my entire life. You been by my side." I say sarcastically. Joey looked guilty. I looked away. He doesn't know me. That I'm a troubled kid.

"Where's Jack?" Monica asks. "He's in his room. Probably in his lala land again." Erica respond rolling her eyes. "Well go get him." Chandler responds the same way. Making me laugh lightly. Everyone smiled widely at me. I blush looking to the ground.

Suddenly Erica comes down. She secretly looks at me and winks as she stands next to me. I looked at her confused. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming down and a annoyed sigh. "What's the big surprise?" The hunk said. "Sup." He said walking to me flirtatious. I roll my eyes. Though feeling butterflies. "Hey. Woah not having any of that. She is basically your cousin." Joey says protective. I roll my eyes. "Hmm?" Jack asked.

Chandler explained everything. "but In any way. She is kinda like Phoenix?  She is basically family?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "Well. Technology not incest. So. How you doin?" He pulls a Joey. "No!" Everyone screamed at him. Joking of course. We smile. "Anyways. We have to go. I'll drop her off tomorrow." He says.

"Bud, seriously you just met her and the first full day you will have with her, your leaving her here?" Uncle Chandler said. Joey nodded. "Yeah well bye!" He say walking out. "Bye everyone. Wish me luck." I say. They laughed. I walked back to the house.

I look around. I walk in the kitchen to hear voices. "hey Alex!" Dad says. "It's Alexis." I say. He nodded. "Well Leah this is Alexis. My daughter. Alexis meet Leah. Your stepmom." I fight the urge to roll my eyes and just fake a smile. It's a skill. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" I say a fake twinkle in my eye. "Likewise. I hope we can bond." She says. I nodded eagerly. Ugh she is to nice I can't hate her. Soon the door opens. "It's Phoenix!" She calls. "I'm here to meet my sister!" She yells hugging me. I hug back. "Sister?" I ask.

"I'm a only child. So are you. So your now my sister. Even if I'm a few months younger then you." She explained. I nodded. "Cool I always wanted a sister." I say. I lead her to my room. Leaving the adults in the kitchen.

Soon though she had to leave because she had school tomorrow. School. One thing I haven't thought of. There I was popular. I was everyone's friends and they were mine. I had the good grades. Though always got in trouble. Most was detention.

I see that in the kitchen Joey fell alseep. And Leah wrote a note saying a business emergency. So no dinner? I ask myself. I walk around. I see Joey's phone. I grab it.
7 missed calls
38 messages
Quietly I go up to my room. All calls from his friends. I look no password. Of course it's Joey. Anyways I look on the first one. Chandler.

Hey Crazy world huh?

What time are you dropping her off tomorrow?


I'm going to call you.

Pick up the phone.

I think Jack has a actual crush on Alexis.

You know when he actually dated Juliette. That's how he feels about her.

Monica will come over and lecture you on how you should

Answer your texts and or return calls.

Next was Monica's text messages.

Joey Tribbiani!

How could you be so irresponsible!

She seems lovey though.

Answer Chandler and I!

I'm going to give you a 24 hour lecture

On how you should respond.

Uggg Joey!

Next was Ross


She seems lovely

Can't wait to get to know my goddaughter.

Though do you think you know who the mother is?

Joey answer us.

Next was Rachel messages

OMG here comes Joey Tribbiani and his daughter!

That's what's the press is going say when

They find out.

They bug us. Imagine what kind of questions they'll ask her!

She seems adorable though.

But seriously Joey answer us!


Joey congratulations!

I'm so happy for you!

She's welcome anytime.

Though no meat.

Tell her that.

Why aren't you responding to the others?



Answer me

Before I kick

Your ass.

That one made me laugh. Phoebe cracked me up.

Mikes messages.

Hey pal.

She is welcome anytime.

Phoenix is excited to have a sister.

We haven't told her Phoebe and I are adopting a kid.

Why aren't you responding to us?

The others are really worried.


That's cute. Anyways. "Alexis have you seen my phone?" Joey called. "I'll help you look." I called back. I get out of the app and put it back on the coffee table where it was. "Umm Joey. It's here!" I called to a eating sandwich man. "Thanks." He took it. His eyes budged out of his head. ''Thanks. Well I'm going to bed." He says. Before I can respond he's alseep on the couch.

His phone dropped on the floor. I grab it. I pull out everyone's numbers. Putting them in my phone. The I put his phone back. I call Phoebe. "Phoebe?" I ask. "Speaking." She says. "It's Alexis." I say. "Oh hi. Why do you call?" She asks. "Leah is on a business trip. And Joey fell asleep forgetting about me. And I'm hungry.'' I tell her dropping hints.

"Oh well you can come eat with us!" She exclaimed. "Really?" I ask confirming it. "Yes. Yeah it would be fun!" She says. "Ok. Thank you." I say. "Alright come over 5 minutes before 5." She says. "Alright. Thanks again." I say. "No problem bye." She says. "Bye." I say. Then we hang up.

"Oh praise the good Lord." I say.

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