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Since the night of Ians party Jordan and Emma won't admit they have feelings for each other. Yes Jordan is bisexual but it is Emma who is straight so she decided to get over her emotions. Emma who all her life thought she was straight. She has not said out loud yet her feelings for Jordan. So they keep it to themselves. Jack and Alexis have been texting and calling each other whenever they were apart no one knows. Besides them and their phone providers. "Jordan do you want to go study at the library for French?" Emma asked walking up to her. "Sure I will meet you there let me grab my book." Emma made a move. "We can share mine. Lunch is to short anyways." Jordan nodded. "Sure." As they headed to the library Alexis was with Erica.

"We have to figure out what Juliette is holding over my brother." Erica said. "No if Jack wanted it gone he would have done it himself or maybe it is something in her mind. That we can't find. Besides if he wants us to know he will tell us." Alexis responded sitting down. "Do you ever eat lunch?" Erica asked. "Not school lunch. We don't have enough to make myself a lunch because no one went shopping. They have the money I do not." Alexis responded. Erica nodded. "I will have my mom make you a lunch." She said. Alexis shook her head no. "Why not?" Erica asked. "I am not her kid. I do not want to add on to a mothers never ending list." Alexis said. "But you won't." Erica replied. "She barely does anything anyways." Erica added. Alexis was annoyed. "Erica who makes you dinner?" She asked. "My mom." She replied. "Who makes you breakfast?" Alexis asked. "My mom." She replies not meeting her eyes. "Who cleans your house? Including your room?" Alexis asks. "My mom." Erica mumbles. "Who works full time as top chef and boss at her own restaurant?" Alexis asks. "My mom."  Erica mumbles again.

"Erica who is here right now standing at the door taking time out of her busy day with cupcakes for yours and Jacks friends?" Erica stood up turning around seeing her mom smiling at them. She looked at her feeling guilty. She ran up and hugged her mom. "Thank you mom. I don't think I say that enough." Monica looked at her daughter feeling so much love for her. "It means the world you did say that." Monica looked at Alexis and smiled mouthing thank you. Monica had heard everything and was thankful her daughter fixed her mistake. Alexis smiled warmly getting up and walking to Monica. "Hey Aunt Monica." They hugged. People were starring in the cafeteria but the trio did not care. "Thought I would drop off cupcakes for your guys friends. Monica handed Jack and tray and Erica a tray. Then she surprised Alexis with her own tray. "God I love you so much thank you." Alexis hugged her. Soon Jordan, Emma, Hunter, and Miguel walked up to Alexis. "You guys want one?" Alexis asked. They all nodded thanking Monica and Alexis. Juliette walked up to Jack taking a cupcake which confused Monica on why she is around her son. Especially when it looked like he liked Alexis.

She started talking to him and Alexis and her friends walked away including Monica and Erica. Jack noticed and tried escaping but couldn't he sighed and just walked away. Alexis watched him go sadly. Monica noticed but smiled and did not say anything. When the bell rings Erica walked with her mom to the office to say bye. The cupcakes were gone and delicious. 

At the end of the day the trio. Jordan, Emma, and Alexis walked into tbe Tribbiani household greeted by Leah home watching TV. As they headed up the stairs Leah screamed. The girls rushed downstairs. "Are you ok?" Alexis asked. Leah was standing up water going down her leg. "My water just broke." The girls eyes widened. "Ok, Emma you call everyone tell them to meet us at the hospital. Jordan you drive better then me you get the car ready. Leah let me help you put on slides and I will grab the baby bag and car seat is in the car. The girls scrambled. "Where is Joey?" Alexis asked Emma on the drive to the hospital. "He is getting off work he will meet us at the hospital." Emma said reading the text. Jordan made it to the hospital quickly and safely. At the receptionist Alexis is talking. "Um hello my mom is in labor. Her water just broke." The lady nodded and somw nurses came with a wheel chair. Alexis followed them to the semi private room. As everyone arrived. Jordan and Emma caught everyone up to date how Leah is fine and getting a room. Alexis helped Leah breathe during contractions. "How do you know how to help in labor?" Leah made small talk. "My moms roomate was pregnant and I was with her. Contractions and all during the ambulance ride and birth." Alexis admitted. "You are really good at this." Leah complimented. "Thank you. Breathe in and out. In and out." Alexis told her gently as another contraction arrived. The doctor came in with Joey. "You dilated eight. I will come back in a few minutes." The doctor said. The family nodded. "Are you ok? Thank you so much Alexis.  I'm sorry I could not get here sooner." Joey apologised. "Don't worry. Alexis and her friends helped calmy and safely. You are here now its all that matters." Leah said. Joey kissed her knuckles. Alexis smiled yet feeling a bit sad this did not happen at her birth but she quicky recovered with Leah's contraction. The doctor came back and announced its time. Alexis waited in the waiting room Jack was with her calming her nerves. Jordan and Emma were sitting next to each other and Miguel was even here with Hunter. Miguel has become a big part of their group. After a few hours later the doctor came out. "Tribbiani." Alexis practically ran up everyone walking behind her. "Big family." He commented. "Can I visit my parents?" Alexis asked. He nodded telling them the floor and room number.  Everyone rushing to the room. Alexis hesitated but opened the door walking in. Everyone following behind her.

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