They looked at each other.

"Mya found out about her sister staying in my house." Chris responded.

"The sister that she had the altercation with?"


"And what happened after that Mya?"

She exhaled, then looked down at her fingers. "We argued on the way to my house. He told me to get out of his car because of something petty that I said and out of anger, I pushed his head.....hard."

Dr. Thompson tried to hide his concerned facial expression but it didn't work. "Okay.....okay. Here's what we're going to do, I'm going to give you both a sheet of paper and a pen. And just write down what you love about one another and what you strongly dislike about one another." He passed over a piece of paper and pen to the both of them.

It took no time for them to write down their likes and dislikes.

Mya tried to glance at Chris's paper but she couldn't see due to the way he held it.

"Mya, you can go first." Dr. Thompson said. She honestly wanted to snap and ask why but she held her composure and did what he asked. "What do you love most about Chris?"

"Well....his strength. A lot of things came just way to tear him down but he always prevails. I admire that, something I hope to have one day."

"And what do you dislike?"

"........he's a people pleaser." Hate laced her words. You could feel the tension grow.

"Why do you think that?"

"The company that Chris keeps is no good honestly."

"They no good but you always in they face laughing and sh—." Chris started.

"" Dr. Thompson said.

"All I'm saying is she should keep that same energy."

Mya's head quickly turned towards him. "See what I mean? He don't even take up for me like that! It's nice to see you have somebodies back for once."

"I always have your back."

"How?! The woman that tried to put me in jail is living in your house."

"You shouldn't have hit her with a bottle."

"No! No! We're not about to do this." Dr. Thompson raised his voice, seeing this helped him understand why Chris had him to clear his schedule. "Both of you take a few deep breaths and relax." He waited until they both seemed less tense before starting up again. "Chris your turn."

"She's genuine."

"Explain that."

"She's never switched up on me. I have never had to worry about what she's in this for. I know it's because she loves me and genuinely cares about me."

"And your dislike?"

"Her anger issues and how defensive she always gets. It takes nothing to piss her off and it's gets so bad to the point that physical harm comes to play. And I really can't afford to play like that."

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