18; the fish are swimming

Comenzar desde el principio

The boys went into the trunk to grab their stuff and we walked towards the front door.

The front door was triple my size. I looked so small standing in front of it.

We were welcomed into a huge living room, a kitchen that was twice the size of my bedroom and a gaming room. This was just the first floor. From the front door, there are windows that shows a huge pool sitting in the backward. Everything in this house was white, black with little green accents from plants.

I pucker my lips as I observe his house, basically a mansion.

"Over here, Juniper," Ryan waves over to me from the other side of the room. While I was too busy observing the place, the boys had already invited themselves to the gaming room.

I walked into the gaming room and sat in the nearest seat. I leaned back against the single seat armchair.

"Are you hungry?" Ryan asks as he sits himself on the armrest next to me.

I looked up at him, he leaned back against the sofa on his elbow, looking at his phone, typing.

"I am," I answered.

"Okay, come on," Ryan says, pushing himself off the chair.

For some reason, Ryan pushed himself a little too hard causing the whole chair to completely tip back.

A yelp escaped my lips as I jumped up, turning around to watch Ryan stumble onto the floor.

The guys looks over and immediately started laughing. I also couldn't help but laugh at him, laying with his back on the floor.

Ryan started laughing at himself too.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Ryan's phone near the entryway. I walked over to pick it up for him and hopefully he could show me the way to the kitchen.

It didn't occur to me that he had his phone still unlocked until I had picked it up. My nosey self glanced at the phone and saw text messages.

To Dylan?

She misses you man.

I looked back at the guys and saw Ryan back up on his feet, walking over towards me. I pressed the home button and locked his phone.

"What?" Ryan asks, still laughing at the incident earlier as he takes his phone back from me.

"Nothing," I answered.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks, looking back at me with a smile on his face.

"I'm hungry," I changed the subject.

"Can you get us food too?" Caleb calls out, holding a hand up while a controller was in his other hand.

Ryan snickers and turns me by my shoulders to face the kitchen. We both walked towards the kitchen. My mind wandered elsewhere while he was talking to me.

"Juni," he sang, waving his hand in front of my face, jumping in front of me.

He started walking backwards until I stopped in place.

"What?" I blinked myself out of my day dream.

"What are you in the mood for?" he asks, walking ahead into the kitchen.

I sat myself on the stool of the island table.

"I want," I trailed off.

"Come over here," Ryan motions me to come over to him while opening the fridge.

I groaned and got up from my seat again to stomp over to his spot.

"Move please," I asked him politely.

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