Chapter n9

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I couldn't get those pair of green eyes out of my head. They were so intriguing and i'll have to admit very beautiful. Mysterious and enchanting at the same time.

When we reached home i saw a beautiful land rover on our lot and my father's bugatti chiron, the latest model.

I felt so excited and i could see in Alfred eyes he did too.

We entered the house and heard noises upstairs. They were coming from my dad's office.

I sighed as i can't but feel curious why he was here now. He should have been back by tomorrow.

I went to take a glass of water and headed to my room passing by his office but i couldn't help but feel a little curious about tge argument they were having.

"...please sir, we need your help. Our business is falling apart and we need you now, please. My boss begs of you to help us." An unfamiliar voice pleaded. The stranger had an American accent.

What was i thinking? They were properly talking about business that doesn't concern me. I rolled my eyes for my stupidity.

Thus is non of my business.

But i couldn't help but stay glued to the ground where i was. As if something exciting was about to pop up.

I heard my dad sigh. "We'll do our best. Don't worry tell your boss i would be there as soon as possible. But not now, i have a lot of things to do before i shift to your problems. Please excuse me." There was something off about my father's voice. It sounded like anger or uninterested or another emotion i couldn't quite pick.

I'm being delusional. I should probably get out of here before they catch me eavesdropping on their conversation. Not a good idea.

"Sir. Please-" he continued to beg. "-did you know how hard and how long it took me to get to you. It took me almost a year. A year to finally reach to you. The company is failing and falling hard and i have a family to feed. If you don't help us i would be shamed and starve to death. Please help us."

This guy is an idiot. That land rover i saw which clearly belongs to him can feed a while orphanage for more than three years. And he's here thinking about his family starving to death, and being worried about being shamed. He should just sell hit, get the money. Be saving and do small and if necessary, odd jobs and work hard, you would be very rich in no time. Even more. I learnt from the experienced. To hell with whoever thus guy is

Plus my father is a very, very busy man.


"Ok fine. When do we leave?" Dad sounded frustrated but kept his business voice in control. He sounded tired. Too tired.

"Now." The guy said firmly, well practically begging.

Dad sighed again. "Ok."

"Thank you. Thank you so much sir. Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. Thank you so much." I could practically feel him jumping right now.

Before i could walk away the door opened and my dad looked at me, face void of any emotion, still in business mode till he saw me and his eyes soften, but the sternness was still there.

"How much of the conversation did you hear?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Pretty much everything."

Dad rolled his eyes. I let my eyes slide to the man standing near my dad. He was short compared to my dad who was quite tall.

The stranger's face looks familiar. And yet i could not recognize the voice at all. My head his spinning making me feel dizzy. Argh.

He gave me a fake smile. Obviously not liking that i heard most of their conversation. Especially the part where he was begging like crazy.

I would have felt the same way if i were him.

"Hi, i'm Alex." I didn't trust him to give him my real name.

His fake smile was still plastered on his face. "My name is Frank Jones. Nice to meet you Alex." He brought his hand forward to shake.

"The pleasure is all mine." I shook his hand and gave him a fake smile of my own.

"Alex is quite an American name don't you think?"


I shrugged. "It depends on the situation really. Whether it is an American name or not. I don't mind as long as it suits me."

Apparently the name frank doesn't suit him from the way i look at him.



I wanted to laugh at that. So badly.

"Clever girl. You really have a smart kid Sir."

Sir? Since when did he call him sir.

"Yes. Yes i have." He whispered for me to only hear and i could see the proudness in his eyes which i beamed with pride but did not show it obviously.

"By the way i also have a nephew called Ale-" But dad interrupted his speech.

"Let's get ready. We leave early tomorrow morning. I suggest we pack and get ready cause i can-t stick around for long."

"Okay sir. See you around Alex." He gave one last fake smile and walked away.

I few minutes later i broke the silence.

"Well that was...something."

"Yeah." He breathed out.

I took a quick look at him and noticed how tired he was and something flickered in his eyes as he watched the man descend from the stairs before it disappeared like it never came.

"Dad, are you okay? You look a bit..." I trailed off trying to find the word.

He gave a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes. "Don't worry sweetheart. Everything's fine. Okay?"

I gave out a deep sigh. "Okay." I gave him a genuine small smile of my own.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He kissed my forehead longingly before backing away.



When was it night?

Wasn't it noon a while ago?

My poor head.

I felt so tired myself i decided to take a shower and sleep. My bed is calling me from above, needed to be laid upon.

And tgat's ehat i just did. Took a shower and brushed my teeth. Finally. I need some sleep.

"Need sleep."

"So tired."

"Need sleep."

"So tired."

"Need sleep." I mumbled over and over again walking to my bed like a zombie.

I didn't know what happened till i felt silkiness all over me. Then i embraced the darkness that slowly consumed me.

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