Road Trip!!!! Part 4

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Isabella's POV

I was sleeping peacefully sleeping dreaming of Phineas and then I wake up and see that Phineas is doing something "hey you woke up Bella I decided to make us some breakfast" he smiled he's such a sweetheart making me breakfast it's obvious why I have a crush on him. I just wish he would notice it hopefully the others are doing good they at least have a car with them and sadly I'm stranded in the woods...I guess it's not that bad I am with the most kind, smart and cutest kid in Danville. Phineas has prepared us some fish with blueberries and the side "here's some orange juice for a drink it's freshly squeezed" Phineas said handing me a cup "like you and your troop I came prepared I had cups in bag just in case we needed it" Phineas smiled and what a cute smile it is. 

let's check in on the others

Kyle's POV

I am working on the car while everybody else is sleeping there's something wrong with my car then I realize my brakes were shot and I don't know how to fix it but, I know somebody who can so I have to make a call. After I made the call I went to see the kids I forgot to mention I got us to a motel for the night I  told them what happened and about half an hour later we heard a car horn as we got down there we saw eleven people get of a van "everybody this is the loud family" I smiled and they piled out of  Vanzilla I spoke up  "from oldest to youngest their names are
 Lori, Leni, Luna ,Luan ,Lynn ,Lincoln ,Lucy ,Lana,Lola,Lisa and Lily" I said they had shocked looks on their faces. "Wow ten sisters that is so weird" Buford said he isn't wrong "Ferb you and Lana can fix my car the best" I proclaim "but she's like five" Buford said "actually she's six and trust me she knows a lot about cars" I crowed. As Ferb and Lana worked on the car I was still freaking out on the inside I saw Lori look and me and I had a feeling she would ask so I told her why we were out here and why I looked worried. "That is literally scary" Lori exclaimed and it is scary but, it's Phineas and Isabella they can do anything if they put their heads together I look over at Ferb and Lana they're finished with the car I thank the louds now let's go get Phineas and my cousin Izzy.

Speaking of Phinabella

Phineas's POV

"Your quite the cook" Isabella smiled "thanks Bella" I beamed I like when she compliments me she is the prettiest girl in all of Danville and the world but, I can't tell her that it would  ruin our  friendship and being friends with her is one of the best things in my life. I gotta admit I liked spending all this time with Bella but, I wonder what's happened to everybody else it's not the time to worry about that "I've always wondered where your catchphrase came from" I piped up.
"Oh I thought I would have told you before but, ok here's how it happened a little while after our moms introduced us I wanted to make a good impression when I saw you next time I asked my mom and she said it nice to ask what the other person is doing I kept trying to say what you doing I had trouble doing th,at I got frustrated then Kyle told me to mash the words together and then I said "what'cha doin' "? Kyle then said perfect that's how you should ask people how they are doing and since then I have" Isabella explained. So Kyle got her to say it I then asked why doesn't she get mad when I say her catchphrase. "Well your my best friend and I've known you longer then any of our friends even the fireside girls and when Buford or Jeremy's little sister said it it didn't sound right I don't know if that makes sense" she told me "it totally makes sense" I smiled. Isabella still looked a little worried and she saw that noticed "sorry Phineas it's just I miss my prima, primo and our friends" she sighed "I know what you mean I miss them too your cousins are cool and before you ask yes I knew prima and primo meant cousins" I smiled and looked at her "just when I think I know you you surprise me" she laughed man her laugh is just so I don't know but, I love hearing her laugh I actually learned to be fluent in Spanish just so I can talk to Isabella in either english or Spanish.I just wish I could think of a way for me and Isabella to get back to Ferb,her cousins and our friends we are smart I mean just to think of all the things we did in the summer we had a beach in the backyard,became one hit wonders, traveled ib sap bubble we even made a phone that could transport you to somebody or somewhere just by saying "oh my god that's it" I yelled I showed Isabella  the phone and she got a huge smile "Phineas your a genius" she bubbled and then hugged me I love the hugs with her. So what I need to do is is  reconfigure the phone the I made for Candace "that should do it" I say I grab Bella's hand "this should work had to adjust the phone since both of us are gonna use it" she nodded "go to Ferb"  I utter "Ferb located" the phone announced then we appeared in the car with everybody yes it worked.

Ferb's POV
I miss both Phineas and Isabella I wish they'd just appear in the car and then they did wow that worked then Kyle slammed and the brakes I was about to ask them how they got to us then I see the phone is Phineas's hand smart thinking by them   "Oh thank goodness your both safe and sound" he praised. Then he stated to drive again "I don't know about you all but, I think we should just go back home" Kyle said we all agreed I think after what happened we don't need a road trip anymore.

Sorry that I took so damn long to finish this chapter I had a case of writers block but, then
I got some help  so I wanna give a big shout out and thank MarvelOusWriter for helping me
For those of you who follow JakeCGWales I will start posting chapter of his Luna X Sam book If you haven't read it already you should because it's amazing as always thank you to my awesome readers  


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