Student Body President

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Isabella's POV
We enter class and our teacher handed each of us a piece of paper and it basically said it was time to elect the student body president which sounded pretty cool. Our teacher asked if we had any nominees Barbie nominated herself a snob like her would I nominated Phineas and Ferb seconded it. I can be his..."I nominate Isabella" Phineas smiled and my troop seconded it oh dammit I wanted to help Phineas run whatever we all accepted and were asked to pick our campaign teams just as we were Baljeet nominated Buford and he was more then happy to join the race. Of course my troop was my campaign team and Ken and the clones were Barbie's and Ferb,Django, and Irving were Phineas's I wonder who beside Baljeet will help Buford. Marissa came up to me smiling nervously I wonder why "do you mind if  help Phineas" she pleaded I want to be mad at her but she wants to be near her crush Django so I  understand I nodded and she hugged me and ran over to the boys I filled my troop in on why she is going to help Phineas and not us they were fine with that we are just like her we all have a crush on a guy.

Ferb's POV
I wonder why Phineas nominated Isabella maybe it was because she nominated him well this student body president race should be ..interesting. Phineas,Django,Irving and myself we talking about how to win we saw Marissa d was coming over wow she does look really pretty "hey guys I'm joining your team" Marissa informed "my cousin has her troop to help her" Marissa added. We all looked at each other "welcome to the team" Django grinned sticking out his hand just as we were going to tell her our strategy the bell rang for Music Isabella's favourite class at least that's what Phineas says. I don't even remember what happened in music because we spent the whole class thinking of how to make my brother president the only person I see as a threat is Isabella she's smart,funny,athletic, and a lot of guys at school thinks she's pretty. It's lunch time and we have come up with some ideas and saw Isabella with her troop "I know me and Phineas are both running against each other but that doesn't mean we all can't sit beside each other" Isabella smiled Phineas did the hand gesture that meant take a seat Isabella and her troop sat down. I think Phineas is being too nice to his  competition even if it's Isabella.

Marissa's POV
I'm so glad frizzles understood that I wanna hang with Django.... and help Phineas the other candidates have obvious reasons to vote for them Buford has made a promise not to bully and Brittany has her popularity and my cousin has her kind nature and she's cute even Phineas knows that he did say it was a scientific fact so we are trying to think of a reason people to vote for Phineas. As we were trying to think why people should vote for Phineas I noticed Ferb was staring at me I wonder why anyways Django comes up with a reason he said we should bring up everything Phineas made over the years but mainly made this year "so are you ready to give your speech"? Irving questioned "yeah it's gonna be cool" Phineas responded.

Phineas's POV
I did make a lot of inventions well to be honest I am more of the idea man Ferb,is a man of action man he got me and our friends to make the inventions we even have some at the school like moving hallways to get to classes faster,thumbprint locks for lockers and bathroom passes that you have to swipe on a scanner and no counterfeit passes will work and with the moving hallways we made sure nobody bumps into other people.  I just wanted to make life easier for everybody and my inventions seem to do that and that's enough for me I wonder who the winner is gonna be I honestly don't care if I win or not. I hope Isabella wins she seems like the best candidate for the job Buford wants it for the power and Brittany wants it for the popularity and again I don't care so by process of elimination and common sense Isabella is by far the best candidate and tomorrow we have to give our speeches and I already have one ready to go but I do hope she wins. I was at my locker and saw Isabella walking towards me and I immediately got happy "so how's my rival ?" Isabella laughed "I'm fine" I smiled usually by now our campaign teams would come by and tell us not to talk to each other and they are trying to trick you and other nonsense like that. As we talking we saw a girl fall down and drop all her books we helped her picked them up she said thanks and I recognized that voice and before I could say anything "Riley is that you?" Isabella asked wow she was right it was Riley she is one of our good friends "we haven't seen you all summer" I piped up "yeah we missed you" Isabella bubbled "and your dropping books... still a klutz i see" Isabella chuckled. 

Riley's POV    
I can't believe both Phineas and Isabella are running against each other I thought if anything they would help each other and I did miss them this summer I went on a long vacation and for some reason it felt longer then one hundred and four days but maybe that's just me. I wonder who I should vote for both of them are great candidates  maybe when they give their speeches it will give me a better idea who to vote for. We kept talking  and then I felt somebody hug me i looked and it was Marissa Oh My God I haven't seen her for a while nothing can ruin this day... ow I just walked into a locker that could have gone much better.  

Hey my awesome readers I want you to pick the winner also how do you think the speeches should go and I wanna give klutzyriles a shout out for letting me include her in my story.

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