Road Trip!!!! Part 3

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Kyle's POV
We finally are in Royal Woods the camp site should be up ahead as I was driving some moron drove in front of me so I had to slam on the brakes I saw the blanket that was covering Isabella and Phineas fall I should cover them back up oh my god where the hell are they?  Everybody including me gasped. I thought about what could have happened and it came to me when we blew a tire they must gotten out of the car for some reason I am freaking out on the inside I gotta keep a level head and make it not look like a problem....even thorough  it is. "No time to freak out gang we just have to go back and get them" I announced I then noticed the car was pretty much out of gas "never mind that we are almost out of gas" I grumbled. We gotta turn in it's late and starting to rain I hope they are doing better.  

Meanwhile with my favourite couple....

Phineas's POV

"Isabella we can't freak out I'm am good with my hands and your the fearless leader of the fireside girls so if we put our heads together we can do this" I smiled trying to reassure her. She still seemed frazzled then I grabbed her hand that seem to help her relax more she then pulled me into a hug I am starting to like these hugs with Bella we stayed like that for a while we would have stayed like that for longer but, I felt a drop of water hit my nose. "Oh great rain" I spat then Isabella opened a big umbrella  it was half orange and half pink that's cool it's our favourite colours that's just like a fireside girl always prepared I told Isabella to give me ten minutes she nodded. After a while I made a little hut for me and Bella "it's not anything spectacular but, it will keep us dry" I smiled she didn't respond she just hugged me I didn't know how else to respond so I just hugged her back "thank you Phineas but, a animal could come in our shelter as we sleep" Isabella said "no need to worry" I admitted I then pressed a button "a force field nice" Isabella smiled.  

Isabella's POV

I love how Phineas is always one step ahead "by the way you dropped this when you were running" Phineas uttered and it was my diary with the key and lock and a pen as I said always one step ahead "hey when we get back I can make it so your diary opens with your fingerprint that way nobody can see it but, only if you want that" he admitted "that would be awesome I wouldn't mind id you did that" I smiled. I am worried about the others and Phineas knew "Isabella stop worrying they'll be fine so please stopping worrying" Phineas plead it's like he can read my mind or something he always knows what to say to make me happy anytime I am sad Phineas is always the one to make me feel better my mom and the fireside girls also make me happy but, Phineas can always do it like when me and the fireside girls needed patches for the rain forest and the dessert Ferb and him built it no problem. "Phineas I just wanted to thank you for every patch you and Ferb helped me and my troop get" I bubbled "of course Isabella I would do anything to help you" Phineas exclaimed he's such a sweetheart.

Phineas's POV 

I can tell she's still worried I got to figure out how to make her happy I think I know a way to do it "Isabella I can tell your still worried and I have a way to make you laugh" before she could say anything I started to tickle her she tried to stop me but, I kept going I liked hearing her laugh. While I was tickling her she snorted so I stopped and she blushed "I can't believe I just snorted that's so embarrassing" she fretted to be honest I thought it was cute "Isabella no need to be embarrassed about that some people do that when they laugh" I smiled and to be honest I found it cute I just can't  say that out loud. "Phineas the main reason I am worried is because Kyle and Marissa are my family, mi familia my ohana" she said "ohana means family" she began "and family means nobody get left behind or forgotten" she sniffed. I understand now why she's so worried she's such sweet and caring girl no wonder half the guys at school like her but, for some weird reason she doesn't seem interested in them.

Isabella's POV   

It's been half an hour and it's still raining and Phineas fell asleep he looks cute when he's asleep

Dear Diary
I am stuck in the woods which sucks but, I am with Phineas so it's awesome he's being protective to  keep us safe I just wish he'd notice that I like him and that I want him to be my boyfriend.One thing that Phineas did recently that was nice was he got me and the fireside girls tickets to Shawn Mendes which was very sweet of him and they were front row seats which was awesome.

I thought being stranded in the woods would suck but, if I gotta be stranded I'm glad it's with my little crumb cake my mom, my troop and my cousins know a lot about me but, Phineas knows everything about me everything except my crush on him. I am overjoyed that I am here with Phineas it's him and me without the entourage I know I said I'd take any little thing that I can get I guess I got my wish I don't wanna complain but, I just wish it didn't have to be like this I really do miss them Phineas did make me feel better he always did know how to do it.

I am so sorry it took me so long to post this chapter I just had this horrible sleeping schedule and it took a while to get it back to normal but, I did finish it finally and I do thank you all for waiting my awesome readers.



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