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I know I did a big time skip but I am having trouble writing chapters

Phineas's POV
It's a few hours before we all go trick or treating and me and my friend's are getting our costumes on me Buford,Baljeet, Ferb and Django are going as The Avengers Baljeet is going as Hawkeye, Buford is going as The Incredible Hulk, Django is going as Captain American, Ferb is going as Iron Man and I'm going as Thor we had this planned since school started. I have no idea what the girls are going as they wanted to keep it a secret from the boys even Kyle so now I'm curious.  "well look who it is The Avengers that's awesome ....hey Avengers Assemble sorry I couldn't help myself"  Kyle laughed as he said that last bit we did have costumes that looked a lot like the real superheros and some effects to go with it. I love Halloween  we dress up,hang out and get candy there is no downside to Halloween it's that awesome.I wonder what the girl are going out as.

Marissa's POV
"I am not wearing that...no chance" I proclaimed  "oh come on Marissa please"  Adyson begged  "no I hate girly things like that" I retorted  "come on were supposed be in a group costume" Holly piped up "so can't we do another group costume?" I asked "no because we were going to do this  before you came and surprised us so we want to add you  in our activity " frizzles commented "...fine but only for my cousin" I sighed knowing my cousin she along with her friends would wear me down. We all got into our costumes and I gotta admit this costume isn't so bad it's not super girly we wanted to show the guys our costumes then all leave as a group.

Kyle's POV
I love that the boys are dressed as superheros and then we hear a knock on the door it must be the girls I opened the door and the girls were all dressed as characters from my little pony including my sister "say anything and I will hurt you" Marissa hissed I felt like laughing but I didn't.  I can't believe the girls got my sister to wear that she hates that kind of stuff the girls were dressed like the characters from my little pony. Adyson is Fluttershy,Holly is Applejack, Katie is Twilight Sparkle,Ginger is Rarity, Milly is Spike,Gretchen is Rainbow Dash,Marisssa is Princess Luna and Isabella is Pinkie Pie they all look so cute.

Isabella's POV
Wow the boys are in superheros that's so cool "wow I can't believe you girls got my sister to be a little pony character" Kyle laughed "I only did it for frizzles..no offence girls" Marissa responded turning to the fireside girls "none taken" they said in unison. This is the first time we ever did a group costume "so are you guys ready to go?" Kyle asked putting on a realistic Spiderman costume I guess he wanted to be a Avenger too we headed out and twenty minutes into the night we were having fun and had a lot of candy. The night was going well and sadly I saw  Barbie,Ken and her clones oh joy... "Isabella" she said in a smug way "Barbie" I spat out oh man this whole night was going well until I saw her and of course she a princess that's so like her . "My little pony that is so cute" Barbie mocked "a princess that is so original" I sarcastically responded then my fellow ponies laughed and so  did The Avengers including Kyle Barbie narrowed her eyes and walked pass me that should teach her. Kyle looked at me "wow you two really don't like each other"  he smiled I guess he found it funny "that is a huge understatement" Milly joked "stand down fireside girl" I said being annoyed. About an hour after seeing Barbie we had a lot of candy and were about to go home but then we saw a haunted house.

Marissa's POV 
A haunted house that's cool it could give me and frizzles a chance to get close  to our guys "come on guys we should go in" Buford grinned "you guys go ahead I am not a fan of scary things" Kyle  answered  that's true he hates anything horrifying including scary movies so Kyle let us go in our parents wouldn't let us go alone. We enter the haunted house and it does look pretty creepy I looked around and the fireside girls looked a little scared Isabella also notices that "girls there is no reason to be scared especially if we have superheros here" Frizzles bubbled I'm not sure but I think I saw Phineas blush good job Frizzles.So we kept walking and hear a deep scary voice say "GET OUT" nice try house we then heard chains rattling, creepy laughs, ghost and zombies moaning, creepy sounds and screams so many haunted house classics.

Phineas's POV
We were laughing and having fun getting scared I know it sounds weird but it's true and each time we heard a loud noise or when somebody jumped out at us Isabella  grabbed onto my arm and I liked it when she did I started to blush it's a good thing  nobody saw "dude I can't believe you peed your pants" Buford chuckled  " I was scared" Baljeet sniffed "but nobody else peed their pants" Kyle laughed I didn't even notice we are back outside I guess we got turned around and never noticed we all so we all got in Kyle's car everybody got dropped off. Kyle parked on our side of the street I just noticed me and Isabella are still holding hands I don't want to let go I will wait until she lets go me and Ferb decided to walk the girls home he grabbed Marissa's hand and we went across the street when we got to Isabella's house Kyle walked in and told us to say our goodbyes I saw Ferb kiss Marissa's  hand she blushed I did the same to Isabella I think we both blushed the girls went in the house and me and Ferb walked back home and like twenty minutes later we were getting ready for bed this is one Halloween that I will remember for a long time.

Hello my awesome readers I  hope you are all having a great Halloween as you can see Phineas did :) if you have any Halloween stories or ideas please leave them in the comments.

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