Kennith Is...What!?!? Part 1

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Kennith's POV 
Hey I'm Kennith I never talked to you guys before and I shouldn't mainly because it's breaking the forth wall which characters shouldn't do but, I'm getting off topic there's secret that nobody knows about me not even Brittany I haven't told her because I don't know how she would react anyways I wanted to get that off my chest I gotta go meet Brittany. I see her and she freaking out as usual and it's probably about Isabella "I hate  that coal hair coloured girl" she barked and I was right "whoa Britt cool it" I appealed  "I don't know why you hate her so much" I inquired 
"don't tell me you like her.. like as a future girlfriend" she  rasped "trust me I don't"  I stated for the past three weeks I have been acting weird around Brittany it's because I want to tell her but I don't know if I should.

Isabella's POV
Finally my grounding is over Phineas and Marissa both said it was boring without me and Ferb that's so sweet of them I am so happy that I can see little crumb cake again and I'm even more happier that he isn't here so he didn't hear me say that. I don't know if anybody else has noticed but, Ken has been acting weird lately  I don't know why I noticed that but I did I would bring it up but, he isn't my friend if anything I will mention it to the guidance counselor then it all might work out for him. Also this week Ken has been being nicer or at least acting nicer to all of us  and because he's Barbie's friend I don't trust it Kyle says I shouldn't so suspicious but I can't help it.

Brittany's POV    
 Kenny has been acting weird and I can'r put my finger on why but, today I am going to ask him out and I know being friends might make it weird but, I believe we can make it work I wanna date him because he's cute,funny,smart and had excellent fashion sense. I have to wait until the right time to do it but, I will make it big so big that everybody will know and if it gets a certain person jealous  that I have a boyfriend and she doesn't that would just be a bonus. I haven't seen him since this morning and I'm worried me saying that I'm worried is making me sound like Isabella and her stupid friends. 

Kennith's POV
I have been avoiding Brittany I decided not to tell her she wouldn't be able to handle  the truth but, I do wanna tell somebody it has to be somebody that won't judge me if I told them who could I tell? I thought about it and people that wouldn't judge are Phineas and his friends I have no idea if they will even listen to me after being a asshole for the past few months I still want to tell them but, I wonder if I should tell them one by one or all at once. I think the one that won't listen is Isabella and I don't blame her Brittany has been tormenting her for years and I always piled om the tormenting I do have a class with Isabella and her friends and not Brittany it's math Brittany does have math with us it's just she never shows neither do her friends  and because she never shows up it's like we don't have a class with her. 

Phineas's POV 

It's time for math class it's probably Baljeet's favourite class but, recently everybody in class did a test and now today is a chilling out day we actually have snacks and drinks and even some music Kennith looks lonely can't blame him his friend's aren't here.  I kinda want to make him feel welcomed but, he's been a jerk to me and my friends a lot on the other hand I like giving people the benefit of the doubt I can tell he want to talk to us but, I don't want Isabella to get mad I know she doesn't like Brittany  or her friends including Kennith. He starts walking over Isabella already looks mad nobody else looks too happy either "give him a chance" I say trying to calm everybody down "hey guys I know none of you are happy with me" he began "especially you Isabella and I don't blame you I've been a huge jerk and I understand that you probably hate me whenever Brittany bothered you I never stopped her I do apologize for everything I ever did and I mean it I am not the jerk you guys think I am just when I was younger Brittany was my only friend and I guess what she did I went along because I didn't wanna lose my only friend so again I apologize for everything I did and said"  he finished  he sounds sincere I thanked him "that was big of you dude" Buford uttered. "Since your friends are not here you can hang with us" I offered he smiled at me "thanks man" he smiled . Buford, Django and Baljeet saw other friends and went to go hang with them so it was me, Ferb Marissa, Isabella and Kennith when I looked back at Kennith he looked kinda nervous I knew that something was wrong but, I couldn't put my finger on it is there something he wants to tell us? 

Kennith's POV 
I'm not sure if I can do this anymore I want somebody to know but, how do I know if they'll  even care, they seem to accept my apology  and I know Phineas and his friends are the most honest and  trustworthy kids in this school but, I just don't know what to do. I will tell them because keeping it to myself is stressing me out "I have to tell you something" I began "I have a secret to tell you and it's a big one so big......not even Brittany knows" I finished

Hello my fellow Phineas and Ferb I miss the show it was so good am I the only one thinking they could have done a season or two of the kids in school? Sorry to leave you all on this cliffhanger but, I had to [insert evil laugh here] anyways thank you for the love and support my awesome readers.      

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