Back At School & Auditions Part 1

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So this is the time I'm splitting up an idea  I had into parts I hope you enjoy.

Marissa's POV
It's time for school again..unfortunately and it's still snowing outside I'm personally not complaining I love the cold but people like Kyle hate the cold and I don't get how you can hate the cold. It's a quarter to eight so it's time for breakfast and I smell pancakes...yay. I noticed Frizzles isn't here but I can hear her in the bathroom when I got closer I heard her singing someday my prince will come I try to hold in my laughter but to no avail she turned around and went red "nice song" I laugh "oh my god I can't believe you heard me" she gasped. We head downstairs I was still laughing Kyle looked at us "Izzy before I came downstairs I heard you singing too" Kyle snickered oh my god this moment is priceless.

Isabella's POV
My cousins are so annoying I will get them back for this anyways around thirty minutes later me, Marissa and my friends were at school and the first thing that happened when we walked in the front doors is kids from the school newspaper were taking pictures of me and asking question Buford stepped in "scram dorks unless you want a knuckle sandwich" Buford threatened all the kids ran away fast at least that's what I was told because of the camera flashes I couldn't see. I  thank him then with help get to class. When I can see again the announcements start and we hear that auditions for the school play will start I am super excited. "So Ms. President are you gonna try out?" Phineas asked it's funny how he said that instead of my name one of the many reasons I love him "hey Frizzles  you said that out loud luckily he didn't he you over the announcements" Marissa commented ugh I really have to get that under control and now I'm thinking of what song to sing. Around lunch time is when the auditions would begin I already thought of what song to sing by the time it's lunch I am in line waiting and so nervous. While  I was waiting in line in the auditorium I saw the classic people auditioning nervous kids, super peppy kids, and kids who can't sing but think they can. So it's my turn and I hear my name being called so I get on the stage there are butterflies in my stomach but I am ready to sing.

Phineas's POV
I snuck into the auditorium because I want to hear Bella sing she'll be good I know it. 

Said the night wind to the little lamb
Do you see what I see
Way up in the sky little lamb
Do you see what I see
A star, a star
Dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite 
Said the little lamb to the Shepard boy
Do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky Shepard boy
Do you hear what I hear
A song, a song
High above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea 
Said the Shepard boy to the mighty king
Do you know what I know
In your palace wall mighty king
Do you know what I know
A child, a child
Shivers in the cold 
Let us bring him silver and gold
Let us bring him silver and gold

There's a break hear while the music plays and Isabella is dancing it looks like it's a mix between break dancing and ballet.

Said the king to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace people everywhere
Listen to what I say
The child, the child
Sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light He will bring us goodness and light

That was incredible I'm not surprised that she was good Isabella has always really good at singing and hearing her sing just makes me feel really calm. Then I see Riley come in the auditorium "I could hear her from outside the doors do you think she'll make the cut?" I am almost insulted that she would ask that after all Bella is such a good singer "no doubt" I smile.
I asked Riley if she's gonna try out "come on dude with my luck I'd trip on the stage,get tangled up with wires or fall in the school orchestra or all three" she claimed Riley says she's a klutz I  think she just needs to watch where she's going "trying out is about singing you can worry about falling afterwards"  I declared she glared at me "very funny Phins"  she said. I know Isabella will get a callback she's that good and honestly if I sing with Isabella watching I might get too nervous and mess up my lines I've sang with her before this time I feel too weird singing in front of her just thinking of preforming is giving me butterflies and it feels like those butterflies had butterflies it might sounds weird but I don't know how else to explain it. Isabella is talking to the judges I wish I knew what what was being said I can ask Bella what was said after school when we are going home. Then I see Isabella walking over she looked excited "that was awesome Isabella" I cheered she laughed "I was gonna ask how I was and you answered before I could"  then she nudged me "Phineas you should try out" Isabella insisted but I don't think I can sing that good. I want to resist but I find it hard to say no to Isabella...maybe I can try to lie. As we left the auditorium  Isabella wanted a answer but I don't know what to do "I think only girls can try out for now" Ferb chimed in turning the corner that saved me for now unfortunately there are more days to try out. Isabella told me that the girls in her troop also tried out. We are on our way back home now I hear angrily say that Barbie is trying out her words not mine she must really hate Brittany. 

So how was my first idea that I'm splitting up please give me your feedback as always thank you my awesome readers.

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