Sleepover @ Isabella's

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(Isabella's POV) 
I am so happy that my cousins are finally here  for the school year I haven't seen them since Christmas last year. Marissa is my best friend and my cousin as a bonus and Kyle was always more like a big brother to me then a cousin that's why I love them. So they are sleeping over Marissa is sleeping in my room and we have a guest room for Kyle to sleep in it's the best day ever my cousins are staying with me and my crush lives across the street...ahhh Phineas. "stuck in Phineasland are we?" Marissa questioned I did a little laugh and blushed and replied "yeah... so what shut up" I said  feeling embarrassed that I said that out loud. "He's still oblivious I guess?" Kyle guessed "How long were you there?" i asked "I heard you say *ahhh Phineas*" he laughed so I threw a pillow at him "wow quite a arm on you Izzy" he complained that's my nickname he gave me as a three year old in case your wondering  Marissa's nickname is frizzles  be cause my hair gets very frizzy easily.  "Yeah he's still captain oblivious" I exclaimed "don't worry frizzles he'll notice sooner or later" Marissa  answered "hopefully sooner rather the later" I muttered. then my phone went off *gitchee goo goo* it's Phineas he's texting me (OMG) .    

 Phineas:  hey how your cousins settling in? ..(just like him  so caring)                                                 

ME: fine thanks for asking                                                                                                                                

Phineas: no problem see you at school                                                                                                              

Me: ok bye

Marissa's POV
I really hope Phineas does notice her soon Isabella deserves it she's been waiting a few years for him to notice. A while back when Isabella and Aunt Viv they were  moving to Danville and into the house that's when we met Linda and her kids, frizzles and Phineas had a instant connection  at least that what Kyle said he also said  she had a crush on Phineas when they cute. I can't wait to go to school with Isabella and her friends. "So Isabella how's it going in the Fireside girls?"I questioned her "Awesome I love being the fearless leader" she said with glee  Kyle started to talk "let's see if I remember your fellow fireside girls Milly,Katie,Ginger,Holly,Adyson and Gretchen am I right?" wow I'm surprised Kyle remembers all their names "wow you remember all of them" Isabella said she sounded surprised I guess we both didn't  except him to remember them all. "Hey Izzy remember this" Kyle asked as he shows a picture of frizzles and her troop as the cute lil sparks which is like the fireside girls but for little girls she  and her troop they look so cute. " so.. is Django still single" I mumbled "oh my god I can't believe you're still crushing on him" Isabella laughed "shut up he's a artist and super cute" I huffed. "I knew you still liked him" Kyle said laughing going to his room for the night "well to answer your question ..yeah he still is"   Isabella said "ok good"  I grinned. We heard Aunt Viv say "girls time for bed"  but we weren't tired "do you wanna stay up" I asked "sure I'm not tired" Isabella exclaimed. An idea popped into my head I started bouncing around Isabella raised an eyebrow at me "uh what is it?' I kept bouncing and was about to answer but my eyes landed on Kyle and I mumbled "uhhh I need to have a girl talk with my little frizzles". Kyle looked at me for a few moments before saying "fine" he left the room and as soon as the door closed I grinned at Isabella she looked a little scared "uhhh why are you smiling like that?" I looked towards the door and wasn't sure if Kyle would be listening so I got close to her and whispered "lets sneak out and see what Phineas is doing!" she just starred at me for a few minutes before saying "uh what? are you crazy?!" I just shook my head "it's not like you don't want to see him" she blushed pulling her shirt over her cheeks I smiled bouncing "see that's what I thought hey you remember we use to do this just a few years ago" Isabella sighed "alright fine but we haven't done this in a while so can you go first". I opened the window slowly so it wouldn't make a noise once it was opened big enough I climbed out on to the second story roof  I slipped down slowly because last time I fell off and ended up at the hospital with a broken arm i'm a klutz alright. Now i'm at the edge of the roof I jumped landing safely I brushed off my pants and yelled quietly "alright your turn". She copied me climbing down slowly suddenly her feet slipped and she fell off landed right on me. I groaned and she got up smiling "thanks for breaking my fall" I stoop up and said "your lucky I love you". We got out of her backyard and stood under his window I looked up at telling her "alright like old times stand on my shoulders since we aren't as little it should be easier" Isabella nodded taking both my hands as she got on my shoulders. She stayed quiet just as I was about to say something I heard a deep voice say "whatcha doinnn?" it scared me so bad I fell back I got up quickly to see if Isabella was ok but she was already standing she stomped her feet "hey that's my line!".We noticed it was Kyle who scared us "well you didn't ans-" he stopped mid sentence "are you two spying on Phineas again" Kyle questioned   "spying is such a strong word we were......" Isabella paused "that's what I thought" Kyle smiled  "are you gonna tell on us" I asked "have I before" he asked. He hasn't done it when we use to do it a lot "I just want you guys to be safe" Kyle worried "so" he continued "ten more minutes then I am taking you guys back". and ten minutes later we went back and fell asleep.  

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