"On your way then," I bow before excusing myself. Once I close the door behind me, I loosen my tie and straighten my coat before making my way towards my car and make my journey towards Dolores's duchy.

Upon arriving at Dolores's childhood home, I was surprised to see how remarkable it is that she manages to bring it back to its former glory within weeks. I look around, admiring the scenery when Dolores walks out from her home with a smile.

"How did it go?" She asked. I show her the letter and she was glad that Alvia gave his approval.

"Thank God. Did you mention about the orphans as well?" I shake my head no.

"I'm afraid if I tell him about the others, he won't approve. Don't get me wrong. He wants to help those who in need but the circumstances don't allow him to," Dolores's eyes widen.

"But what is something went wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong. I have my own way to deal with this. If it does go south, I will take full responsibility for my action. Even if it'll cost my position, Freida will take over my place as the emperor's advisor," I am ready to face whatever the consequences that may come for me.

I know lying to Alvia about this mission is bad but it's for his own good. If I mentioned about the orphans that were raised by the Resistance and how they were then sold to the highest bidder, he will never agree to this because he knows that it won't be easy.

As much as I respect him as my emperor, he sees me as his friend and he will never let me go through such a high stake mission because he hates losing his friend. That is who Alvia is and always been.

"But..." Dolores seems to be uncomfortable with my decision. I assured her with a smile.

"Once the orphans set foot onto this land, they're under Alvia's protection. We just have to make sure it'll go smoothly," I say that but I am nervous as well.

Not only that I lied emperor, but I also put myself into danger by going through this. But I know, it's worth it. It's really worth it. To see the smile on the orphans and the youth that manage to escape will be my reward.


It's finally the night in which those who were born in captivity will finally have a taste of freedom. I can feel my heart about to burst from my chest but as soon as I saw the picture that Antonio had sent to me, I am determined to help them to find the freedom that they seek.

"Sir, Miss Freida is asking for the situation at hands. What should I say? Should I lie to her?" I face the fellow soldier that volunteer for this good deed.

"She's probably asking on behalf of the emperor. Just tell them what necessary and don't tell them that I'm leading this mission myself," the soldier nods his head before he went to inform Freida.

A lot is at stake now. I can't afford to feel worried about my own safety. Anthony and the others risk everything they have just because they trust me. I can't let them down.

"Once you see the refugees, please guide them to the truck. Don't leave anyone behind," the soldiers saluted before they went to their position.

I grabbed ahold of my gun that's tuck in the holster around my waist before making my way towards the forest with a couple of the soldier. My eyes wander around the foreign land as I make my way through.

A soldier placed his hand on my shoulder when they noticed a signal not far from where we are. We crouch over and send our own signal so that we can proceed.

"Mr Wang?" I heard a female voice whispered.

"Yes, that's me." A female teen suddenly appeared from the bushes with a group of children following from behind. I gave her a nod and let the soldier guide the children to safety.

The Emperor's Rose (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now