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Jack's POV

I wouldn't talk to my parents for a very long time. After everything, they still refused to disclose why they offered me up to be genetically experimented on as a young child. During this time, I mainly stayed at Alex's house. He and his mom had a tear jerking reunion followed by a long talk with Peter. Believe it or not, she took him back and the three of them live together now, with my frequent presence as well.

It had been a couple months since the kidnapping and Brand New Eyes and Hayley and all that stuff. Alex and I were closer than we had ever been, emotionally and physically. He explained the Zack situation to me and although I still didn't like it, I decided that getting stuck on something like that was childish and could be left in the past with the rest of the things we were trying to bury six feet under.

Sometimes it was hard to forget, especially when I had about a foot long reminder lining my chest that didn't look like it would be fading any time soon. At least the biggest scar Alex harbored was behind his ear and couldn't be seen unless you really looked for it. He constantly assured me that it was hardly something to worry about, sexy even. I tended to scoff at this notion, but kissed him quickly when he started to babble about me being too self conscious.

Life had relatively resumed its normal course. It seemed kind of strange to go back to school after mysteriously being gone for a few months; not to mention the fact that we would probably be lost about whatever was being taught. But, only being in sophomore year, our parents insisted that we at least finish off the year doing an online school so we'd be able to jump back in as juniors in fall. Still, getting caught up, even with internet courses, was proving to be quite the difficult task.

Alex in general was doing much better than I was. The two of us were situated on his bed, me on my stomach and him leaning against the headboard with his computer sitting on his knees. I slightly pushed my laptop forward and buried my head in the covers, letting out a frustrated groan.

"Sometimes I think that we should've just skipped out on town when we had the chance," I huffed, lifting my head up slightly so Alex could actually hear the words I was saying.

"And why is that?"

"Because real numbers are already complicated enough. Why do we have to bring imaginary ones into the situation too?" I complained, throwing one of our textbooks on the floor.

"Hey! It's not the book's fault!" he joked, poking me with his foot while still typing away furiously.

I stared blankly at my screen for a few more dull minutes before shutting it with a snap. Looking back, Alex seemed to be intently scrutinizing the words that illuminated his face. I suddenly had an idea and my body made its way up to the other side of the bed, resting an elbow on one of the vacant pillows and positioning myself to stare at him. He refused to break concentration, so I leaned in closer to his face. His typing speed visibly slowed as he acknowledged my presence.

"Can I help you?" he inquired sarcastically. I shrugged.


"Uh huh, on what?"

I continued looking at him for a long moment before blurting out something.

"We should get married." The statement finally made the clacking of keys on his keyboard cease. He turned to face me with a skeptical look.

"Married? Jack, we still have to make it through high school," he countered.

"So it's not a no!" I cheered, falling back onto the bed so that my feet were where my head had previously been.

"It's not a no," he parroted me, finally setting the laptop on his bedside table. He sat up on his knees before falling onto his stomach beside where I was lying. His chin stayed propped up on the palms of his hands, elbows digging into the comforter. We simultaneously moved our faces closer and it didn't take long until the gap between us was nonexistent. The world had been swirling around for so long that quiet and simple moments like these seemed to be incredibly rare. "Let's just wait a couple of years," he requested as we pulled apart ever so slightly.

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