I Never Wanna Act My Age

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Alex's POV

Damn pizza bagels.

I had successfully burnt my tongue twice in the past 5 minutes because I am too damn impatient to wait for things to cool off. This in turn, had turned Jack into an bumbling hyena and he had not stopped laughing at me. His mom yelled at him for being impolite more than once, but he was still giggling like an idiot.

I have to say, I was glad his mom had invited me in. Honestly, I don't think he would've done it on his own. The again, I would've never asked to come in on my own either, so I guess I couldn't really blame him.

"Alex, honey, I never did quite catch your full name," his mom stated, rinsing off the plate that Jack and I had used for the little bundles of hot deliciousness.

"Oh, it's Gaskarth. Alex William Gaskarth. My mom's name is Isobel."

"Oh how regal. William!" she said in a crappy british accent that she made seem endearing instead of mocking. "And Isobel is such a lovely name too. I can't wait to meet your mother. Um, Jack, why don't you show Alex William Gaskarth to your room?" his mom suggested, Jack still in hysterics.

"Good idea mom," he finally said once he caught his breath.

"Thank you Mrs. Barakat!" I was able to get out before I was being pulled in the other direction.

"No problem sweetie! You're welcome any time!"

Jack had grabbed my hand and was now pulling me down the hall. We made 2 lefts and arrived at a door covered in band posters and warning signs. I smiled to myself at the fact that I knew some of the bands on the door and that we seemed to have the same music taste.

"Welcome to la casa de Jackito," he said sweeping his arm and curtsying.

"I see public high school Spanish is teaching you well Jackito," I replied with a bow before stepping farther into the room.

"Yeah, it's not much," he continued, scratching his neck and looking at the floor, "but hey, it's home. Can't complain." He flopped down onto his bed and stretched his arms over his head, causing his t shirt to rise up a little. His hipbones stuck out of his low riding skinnies and I blushed slightly when he caught me staring at them. Hey, being gay is not a crime okay? Well not in this country at least. "Soooooo, whaddya wanna do for the rest of the day newbie? You know, since the school ordered 'everybody to get out' right?"

"Hey! I was doing the best I could under pressure," I defended myself.

"Yeah, well, we need to work on your improv a little bit buddy."

"Well then I guess you're gonna have to invite me over again then, huh?"

"I guess I will!" he said crossing his arms. It got quiet and we both stared at each other intensely before breaking into fits of laughter. "Yeah, I might not mind having to invite you over again. And you know, maybe this time I'll do it, instead of my mom."

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"So, that accent you got there. Where doth your majesty hail from?" he asked in his best british imitation. He apparently did not inherit accent skills from his mom, since he basically butchered all of the six words he said.

I shook my head and grinned at his goofy attempt. "Um, London. Essex, more specifically."

"Huh. Never heard of it," he shrugged playing with a lock of hair that hung down over his face.

"Yeah, it's ok, most people haven't. What about you Mr. Barakat? What's your exciting life story?"

"Oh trust me, it's quite riveting. It's sometimes too much for people to handle, so I hope you're one of the lucky ones. You may want to hold onto something cause you're about to embark on a wild ride through Jack Land."

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