"And -"

"Guys, drop it okay," Lou moaned.

"But you're -" Niall started.

"Shut it. Back to the party," Lou said quickly, not giving Niall a chance to finish.

"Okay okay," he intervened, laughing silently.

"So when is her birthday again?" Louis asked, making us all (except Harry, who was trying very hard to.maintain his serious character) burst into laughter till we ached.

"Dude, you're the worst boyfriend ever," Liam smiled, sipping his drink.

"Is it enjoyable for you guys to make fun of me?" Louis muttered, focusing all his attention on his food.

"Yeah, pretty much," Niall shrugged, a smirk on his face.

"See now if this was one of us, you would never let us hear the end of it," Liam remarked, his eyes shining, a thing which his eyes have been doing since a certain someone waltzed into his life.

Ugh, why was he so happy with Mel? Why was he so hard to resent? Why was his happiness more important to me than my own?

He deserved it. He was a way better person than I was. Here I was, thinking about such wicked things, while he was smiling at me. Liam was my best friend, one of the people who understood me (but couldn't see past my facade of fake happiness, of course), but he's always there for me. Always.

He deserves Mel, he deserves her so much more than I do. He deserves the happiness.

I'll just have to smother my emotions. Yes. I'm not going to fight with myself further, or have these long mental debates with myself. I'm going to be a big guy and slit the throat of my own joy for the sake of Liam's.

Wow, I should go into poetry, that sounded so poetic.

Ah, I'm such an idiot.

And that is so not going to happen. I may say all these big things now, but acting according to them is going to painfully hard.

While Liam and Niall continued to tease Louis, I looked over at an unusually quiet Harry, who was playing around with his food.

"What's up?" I asked with a half-smile.

"Oh I'm just contemplating ways to kill Lou for being so shit to my best friend in my head," he said, his lips curling into an evil grin.

"Hey, I heard that, and I am not being shit to Em okay," Lou butt in, justifying himself, "Now can we please, for the love of god, go back to the topic of the upcoming party and move on from my shit boyfriend skills?"

"So you admit it?" Niall said, his smile reflecting pure mirth.

"Niall, I will pour this bottle of sauce over your head," Louis warned, grabbing hold of the bottle to prove his point.

"Chilli sauce would be a good look on you, Niall," Liam laughed.

Mel's even made Liam develop a humorously epic sarcastic side. Wow, that girl surely does works wonders.

"I doubt it. Lou, stop being a cunt and put the bottle down," Niall said casually, before turning to Harry, "So what exactly do you need us for?"

"Well, everything really. Decorations, food, invites, music..." Harry trailed off.

"Why is this a surprise exactly?" Liam inquired.

"She hates parties, she's only ever to be one," Harry smirked, a distant look on his face as if he was in a world of his memories.

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