It was unusual.

But Eske remembered how easily taken by Ehverian clothing Yras and Yzuan were. As different as it was, Eske could not react poorly when the opposite had not been true. Besides, the clothing style was not bad. It just needed some getting used to.

The matter of his skin color was not an issue like he had first imagined; Ahlnar had enough foreigners visiting that paler skin tones were not so odd to see.

His hair was another problem. It remained braided, just like always, but the rarity of it needed no explanation. Only those associated with Jule had white hair. His identity would be outed immediately. Basjin had found a headscarf, but Eske had no idea how to wear it. Only his hair remained to disguise his identity.

Even if he minded little if people knew who he was, Eske had enough of people obsessing over his hair to still want it hidden.

He shuddered, forcing away the feeling of hands carding through his hair.

In the end, he left his room with the scarf in his hands, needing someone to aid him. He wanted someone to instruct him, not do it for him—no more people touching his head. Yet, he had no idea whom to ask. He was not comfortable among the servants—strangers that they were. Everyone here was a stranger.

Ollyah exited her room wearing similar garb. Her colors were not so different than what she normally wore—lavender and pale blue, teal mixed in. Her own hair fell down her back with minimal waves, let loose rather than pulled up like normal. Her shirt looked similar to his, though she wore a long, flowy blue skirt where he had pants.

She smiled. "You look nice. What's that?" She nodded at the scarf in his hands.

With slight embarrassment, he told her his plight.

"Let's ask Huhnan."


"Yras' friend," Ollyah said with excitement. "Remember? He said she would be joining us."

Now that Eske thought about it, Yras had said that. Yzuan would be staying here, but Yras had already promised his friend a visit. The compromise meant that she would tag along.

Ollyah continued. "She has long hair; I'm sure she knows how to wear it like that." She gestured at the scarf.

Huhnan was a stranger. Eske would have rather asked Yras for help. He had long hair too, though not nearly as long as Eske's.

Yet, when they went downstairs to meet with the others, they saw the woman he assumed to be Huhnan already wearing her hair wrapped up in a scarf, making her the clear go-to for advice. She wore a white dress not unlike Ollyah's outfit, while Yras kept to his usual sleeveless shirt and loose pants.

Her gaze moved across them. "So, these are the Ehverians." Her expression gave no hint at mood.

Ollyah did not hesitate to cross the distance, Eske lingering near her. She struck out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Huhnan shook it. "Lady Huhnan Ashmar, I presume?"

Though Huhnan did not smile, her tone sounded lighter when she responded alongside a nod. "Princess Ollyah Ahlveyr of Ehvera. And you," her attention turned to Eske, "would be the younger brother. Prince Eske, correct?"

Her pronunciation was perfect, he noticed. "Nice to make your acquaintance."

She studied him for a moment, then turned to Yras with an amused look. "You're predictable."

He cleared his throat. "Not the time."

"It's always the time."

He rolled his eyes and she snickered. He stepped forward, somewhat blocking her off, to which she responded with a light smack on his arm, but his attention was on the other two. "I'm so happy to show you around. We'll have lunch, maybe catch a performance—remember the fire dancing? Oh, the professional dancers are an absolute must-see."

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