24. Old and New

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When Eske was eight, he lived in a cage. It was comfortable—no doubt the Panjuunese would want to display Eske like a luxurious pet. The bottom of the cage was entirely cushion, thick enough to bounce on if he truly wanted to. Multiple blankets and pillows allowed him to make a cozy bed.

Appearances told a story of a child living a painless life in a beautiful cage. Yet, even then there was the underlining truth that he was a tool—a pet for the nobles to coo and coddle. They played with his hair, dressed him however they pleased. Very few spoke to him directly; most talked to Xuun as if Eske could not hear. Panjuunese was not dissimilar to Luxan, and Eske proved he could understand them time and time again.

One person who did visit Eske with more equal intentions was the crown prince, Itheir. Older than Eske, the prince was a teen at the time. Though his visits were not often, each one was memorable for Eske.

It was the last one that stuck with him the most.


At nine years old, Eske had lived in that one room for almost a year. He curled in the blankets, trying to burrow underneath them as much he could. They couldn't touch him like that. Or, they could, but some found his barely visible body to be adorable hidden under layers of warmth.

His hand clutched at a bit of fabric. Footsteps echoed down the hall, getting louder with each step. It was not the heavy boots of Xuun, or the heeled clacking of the other nobles. This one was quieter, lighter, and Eske knew from that alone who it was.

Itheir did not knock before entering the room. Though this house belonged to Xuun, the crown prince needed no invitation to come and go as he pleased. Eske expected Xuun to rush in on Itheir's heels, ready to tend to any needs he should require. Yet, no other person entered. No other footsteps approached.

Curious, Eske looked up enough to see the doorway. Itheir stared at him with a tilted head, a blank expression hiding a thought process Eske preferred stay silent. Nothing went his way, however, as an unnerving smile stretched across Itheir's face.

"Are you comfortable, Your Highness?"

It took a moment for the address to settle. Whenever Eske heard himself referred to by his real title, hope lingered. Whomever thought to remind him of his true person had enough respect to do so, leading Eske to yearn for release from his captivity.

When Eske did not respond, Itheir moved closer. In his late teens, the crown prince had a sturdy build and curly blond hair. Though not particularly muscular, his broad shoulders and long legs gave him the appearance of strength without the effort needed to build on it.

"There's been word, you know," Itheir continued, looking at the large window parallel to them. "Rumors of Ehverian troops in Panjuun."

Eske perked up, leaning on his arms to pull himself into a sitting position. Still quiet, he stared wide-eyed at Itheir.

He turned his gaze back to Eske, smile twitching. "Yes, that's what the people are saying. However..." He crouched by the cage, making Eske crawl backwards so he was out of reach should Itheir stick an arm through the golden bars.

Itheir chuckled. "You're adorable, you know that?"

Eske frowned. Yes, he did know that. He heard it every day.

"Now, about those rumors." Itheir paused, maybe for a dramatic effect as Eske desired nothing more than to hear the words of his people coming to rescue him. "True or not, they matter little. If anyone makes it close enough to attempt a break-in, they will fail. Do not worry, Your Highness. You are well protected from those seeking to take you away."

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