11. Suspicions

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Two days from now, the Unity Festival would take place. Bohjin normally felt excitement this close to the event, but this year consumed him with dread. Too much to do. Too many preparations to be made. To make matters worse, he had a difficult time keeping his plans away from his family. It was not that they investigated the matter too much, but rather his own reluctance to keep secrets.

Rime's help was much appreciated. Her assistance in dealing with their guests took a heavy weight from Bohjin's shoulders. He would make it up to her when this was all over. Yet, even then there may not be a chance to do that.

Too much was happening.

Groaning, the King leaned back in his chair. He sat in the meeting room, wherein he was normally joined by nobles and his siblings. Today, none of them bore witness to Bohjin's exhaustion. Only guards shared the room with him, thankfully.

Despite his ache for rest, he returned to his work. On the table he sat in front of lay a pile of papers. The right section contained signatures from well-meaning nobles accepting his proposition for events following the Unity Festival. They thought he was just changing the routine for after-festival pickup. Instead, the part they would play served a much greater purpose.

Directly in front of Bohjin sat a letter from the Queen of Belind. Queen Katerin Mithe, though older, kept a fair relationship with King Bohjin and Ehvera. For what it was worth, Belind held the top spot amongst allies of Ehvera—though this was a rather short list to start with. The letter she sent spoke of business, but her parting words made it more personal.

Remember yourself.

Cryptic, though any personal advice from Queen Mithe often was. He did not understand her reasoning or her liking for premonitions. Nevertheless, Bohjin took each word from the foreign monarch seriously.

The sound of a door opening brought Bohjin out of his stupor. He glanced at the welcome face of his best friend as she strode into the room.

"Preparations are nearly complete." Rime did not stop until she was a mere foot away from him. Still sitting, he had to look up to meet her brown eyes. Despite her insistence on letting her handle so much, he saw the same exhaustion mirrored back at him. "That is, regarding the festival. As far as the other stuff goes, I've yet to be informed." Her tone was sharp, arms crossed and gaze accusatory.

Barely able to keep a smile, Bohjin addressed her. "I know, I know." He ran his hands through his dark hair, feeling it tickle his neck. "I don't want eavesdropping about such a sensitive topic." Though he tried to hide his glance at his guards, he knew the meaning was clear to them regardless.

Dropping her frustration, Rime ran her own tan hand through her friend's upset hair. Lowering her tone to a soft hush, she held his gaze. "I understand. I don't take offense. I just want to help. It's hard to see you drowning yourself like this."

"Knowing that is enough."

She repositioned herself behind his chair, leaning down and wrapping her arms around his neck. She placed a chaste kiss on his head. "Is there anything else I can do?"

"You've already done it."

A moment passed as they basked in each other's warm company. A window behind them let in the afternoon sun, bathing them in light. Bohjin almost fell to the call of sleep, leaning further into Rime's embrace. It remained a stroke of luck that they got along so well, despite the arrangement forcing their marriage. They created a strong platonic bond that comforted them in a way romance and sex never would. That was just fine with them.

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