26. Alarm

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The dungeon was quiet save for the clattering of clay cups on plates. Rime sat with royal posture, though her wooden chair was anything but. Behind her, two prison guards remained silent and attentive. It favored the discussion that they keep up the stoic facade, even though all parties knew it to be a lie.

Meirr relaxed in her cell, perched on her slab with her hands behind her head, leaning against the stone wall with little care for her quarters. Her shoes were off, feet pressed to the berth. The four of them had held this position for ten minutes now.

Taking one last sip of her tea, Rime placed with back on its plate, handing the dishes to one of the guards, who accepted it without words. Her attention did not waver from her prisoner. She seemed content to pretend that all was well. Rime knew there was no one coming to break Meirr out. She had been here for a week now, no sign of Panjuunese infiltrators on the horizon. The air of confidence that Meirr projected was just as fake as her appearance.

"You are not brunette." Rime spoke with musing tones, though there was no argument to be made for her observation.

Meirr's eyes shifted with lazy compliance, her body still relaxed in the corner. "And you are not Ehverian."

Any anger at those words Rime did not stem from their meaning, but their repetition. Meirr enjoyed playing that card, but it was moot. Instead of acknowledging it, Rime continued speaking. "Chameleon abilities are not common in Panjuun."

"Wow, how sharp." The sarcasm dripped from her voice. "Next will you tell me that olive skin is not common in Ehvera?"

"You've aligned yourself with Panjuun."

"You've aligned yourself with Ehvera."

"What has Panjuun planned that you find worth allegiance?"

Meirr shifted herself, legs falling to the floor as she sat on the edge of her berth. "You keep assuming I'm not Panjuunese. Magic means nothing."

"You keep assuming I'm not Ehverian."

Meirr smiled. "Because you're not. You're a Tsunizarian pawn."

Rime kept her expression in tact, not willing to fall for the clear agitation Meirr wanted to force on her. Instead, Rime maintained the polite expression she bore. "My parents are nobility within the Tsunizar Empire. My sister is a consort of the emperor. Tell me, who is your family?"

She could not hold in the swell of pride she felt at Meirr's twitching smile. "I see." She paused, most likely trying to decide how to aggravate Rime without turning the question around again. When she spoke, it still carried the smug, fake obliviousness as all of her other answers. "My family are merchants. We particularly enjoy trading spices. Are they in trouble as well?"

"How did a merchant's daughter end up working for a Panjuunese lord?" Rime did not know what she expected from Meirr's answer, nor if she believed it. Yet, if it were true, none of the pieces Rime hoped would align matched.

"How did a Tsunizarian lady end up an Ehverian queen?"

And they were back to this.

Stubborn, Rime did not want to let Meirr have this round.

"Are you asking for tips?"

The quirk of Meirr's lips this time looked amused. "Why; is the position open?" She tilted her head, as if considering the offer outright.

"Perhaps." Meirr did not hide her confusion this time, smile dropping and eyes blinking wider. Rime could not hold back the smile. "It seems up to you for that to happen, though. Lord Xuun Zaaniphirr has conspired to take down our royal family on more than one occasion. As his agent, you are burdened with the same guilt. It would not be off to punish you more than you've been subjected to thus far."

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