8. Ehvera

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Eske was the most beautiful man Yras had ever seen.

"I think you scared him off."

Yras looked at his brother, who shook his head with a laugh. "Did I?"

Yzuan let out a sharp exhale, looking at Yras. "You did nothing but stare at him for the short while he was here."

Blinking, Yras did not respond. Had he scared the prince off? It was not the lord's intention to frighten the man. He was just so stunning, Yras could not help but be caught breathless.

His face must have shown his true thoughts, as Yzuan began to laugh. "My, it has been a long time since I last saw you like this."

The younger brother rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat. "Judge me all you want. I am 25 years old; I won't lie about my affections."

That made Yzuan laugh harder. "Don't worry then, because I will judge you. That's my job, isn't it?"

Yras huffed, looking away. He could not get the image of the royal prince of Ehvera out of his head. The younger man was average in height, appearing to be a few inches below six feet. From the way his black robes framed his body, Yras could imagine how long Eske's legs were. Then there was his white hair, his pale blue eyes...

It was his brother's snickering that made Yras realize that he was smiling, staring into space with the thought of the prince. Yras refused to be embarrassed over an observation such as this, but he felt his face heat up all the same.

"Some advice, Yras," Yzuan began, earning his brother's attention. "Next time you see him, don't stare at him. And control your mouth. You looked like you were about to drool."

"Your counsel is most appreciated," Yras said, sarcasm clear in his tone.

He looked away from his brother, expression softening as he wondered if he ought to seek Eske out during the week. His shyness was apparent, and Yras had failed to make a good first impression.

Yzuan stood up, alerting a servant to their departure. "Come on, Yras. Let's go get a look at the city, shall we?"

If there was anything that could steal Yras' attention from something else, it was the prospect of walking along unfamiliar ground, learning the culture of a people he had never before witnessed.

King Bohjin had not told them to stay, nor had he sent any word that they were needed elsewhere. Surely, taking some time to get to know Ehvera at a more personal level would do good.

A handful of guards, some Ehverian, accompanied the Fumarian lords as they left the castle's outer gates, entering the bustling markets and neighborhoods the common folk enjoyed. The terrain was still hilly, cobblestone streets attempting to level the ground for the wagons and people. Strong foundations supported the buildings. People walked through the streets in casual wear, some meandering about, while others shopped and mingled. Yras felt out of place in his Fumarian clothing. His shirt fit him loosely, pants billowing with the wind. Fumari received sunlight for days, rain uncommon. It helped his kindgom to wear clothing that allowed drafts to cool their skin. Here, in Ehvera, people sported long layers. Perhaps that was something to do—shop for Ehverian casual wear.

For now, the brothers and their guard merely strolled down the street. Yras could not contain his smile. It was all so different from Fumari. The people, the architecture, the terrain—everything was new to him. Learning everything he could about Ehvera became Yras' new goal for the week. Well, that and finding companionship with Eske. One goal was easier than the other, however.

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