3. Travel

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The Fumarian party travelling to Ehvera consisted of two dozen people. Among them, Lords Yzuan and Yras Muhnad rode on horseback alongside one another. Three days had passed since they set out for Janheim, the Ehverian capital city. Despite the arguments leading to their decision for whom to send, Yras rejoiced the journey. Ahlnar, the capital of Fumari, maybe a lovely environment to live in, but nothing could match the excitement feltat learning a new existence. Another three or four days needed to come and go before the Fumarians made it to their destination, and Yras could not hold back his excitement.

They were going to Ehvera!

Relaxed upon his seat, Yras smiled. The day neared evening, sun still shining on them with no clouds to interrupt. The beams highlighted his dark skin, brown hair waved just so past his shoulders, held together with a hair-tie. It felt perfect—the sun, the gentle breeze, the mere fact that their destination was Ehvera.

For the 25-year-old Lord, the prospect was nearly too much to bear.

"Your expression hasn't changed since we left Ahlnar."

To his left, Yras glanced at his brother. Yzuan was three years Yras' senior, with much the same regarding their appearances. From the tall and broad body-type, to the dark skin and brown eyes, it was not hard to see the resemblance they shared. The biggest difference between the brothers was Yzuan's shorter hair, which only reached his nape.

Grinning, Yras addressed his brother. "Can you blame me? When was the last time a Fumarian entered Ehvera?"

Yzuan tilted his head, gaze forward. "From recent memory, the current king visited Fumari with his father a decade ago."

"But not the other way around." Yras leaned forward in his saddle. "When we get back, remind me to thank Uncle for choosing us in his stead."

"I wouldn't be so quick to do so. Most likely, King Azak believes we will be ambushed and killed the moment we make it through the border."

Yras chuckled, thinking back to their aging, wide-eyed uncle upon reading the invitation. It had taken him only one read-through before summoning his council to his side, demands of war preparations falling out of his mouth before so much as a "Your Majesty?" could be uttered in greeting. "Don't tease him like that. He may be paranoid, but I doubt he'd risk our lives if he truly felt that was a probable outcome."

"Ah, but you forget." The glint in Yzuan's eyes changed, shifting to a humorous twinkle. "Our deaths would give King Azak the required excuse for declaring war on Ehvera."

Rolling his eyes, Yras snorted. "Yes, of course. Because we all know Uncle does not already compile evidence of enemy activity from acts as simple as trade negotiations."

"You joke, but perhaps you are too quick to call him paranoid."

The shift in tone brought Yras to a mental halt. Smile fading, he looked at Yzuan with narrowed eyes. "Surely you do not agree with him. Even our father agrees Uncle rushes to conclusions too easily."

Yzuan shrugged. "Perhaps in most scenarios that is true, but you know where I stand on our military increase."

"Then I am again happy that you are not yet Duke."

Yras urged his horse forward, leaving his brother a few paces behind the other. Fumari's king was not a conversation topic Yras wanted to get into at all while abroad. He let his gaze sweep over the flatland, dry grass and dirt painting a boring picture around him. Barely vision in the distance, mountains climbed. Never in his life had Yras managed to ride alongside the hard slopes, the prospect itself sending a tingle of excitement down his spine. To see the Fuhranii Mountain Range in full made tomorrow all the more desirable.

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